1/ What is the link between ergodicity and antifragility?
Why do people participate to non-ergodic activities?
Why do they take so much risks in ergodic activities that they make them non-ergodic?
For a better definition, please check the picture below.
(Or read this excellent paper: …godicityeconomics.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/ergodi…)

For example, Russian Roulette is non-ergodic for the Russian Roulette player but is almost ergodic for a company hiring Russian Roulette players.
The ergodicity relative to someone performing an activity changes over time as he adapt himself and his exposure to risks.
To benefit from its antifragility, an entity needs to survive the stressors it is exposed to.
The more an entity benefits from antifragility, the stronger it grows, increasing its ergodicity (*) (**)
(**) ergodicity is considered a non-binary concept here; justification in the next tweet
In practical life, individuals tend to have a non-binary perception of ergodicity.
But driving?
One could say that driving at 30 mph is more ergodic than driving at 70mph on the same road.
This is because human life expectancy is not ∞, so…
(this concept is still not fully formed in my mind, so I excuse myself for the lack of clarity)
According to tweet #5, the recipe to success seems to manipulate exposure so that it is as high as possible while maintaining ergodicity, to maximize antifragility gains.
This would be correct only if people were exposed to a single risk.
And the resources to mitigate them (time, money, energy, reputation, etc) are shared across them.
Hence, …
Back to the non-binary perception of ergodicity: people tend to maximize their ergodicity across all activities, …
Hence most of what is considered "irrational risk" and "risk homeostasis": the attempt to maximize one's total ergodicity across all activities he needs to participate to survive
In particular, ergodicity decreases only as *exposure to ruin* increases, not as *exposure to damage* does.
gets expanded by "…so that you can reap the gains of antifragility & further decrease exposure to ruin, entering a vicious circle with the result of finally being able to refuse unwanted exposures"
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