I just want to focus, now, on the absurdity of the legal reasoning that, per NYT, the budget office advanced.
Moreover, it requires that whenever a President does withhold funds, he must notify Congress.
It wouldn't.
Here's the most relevant part:
Suppose that Ukraine promised to do something that would really advance our interests, but only if the President declared martial law in the US.
I don't think so.
Would the President's (unenumerated, penumbral) power to engage in diplomacy give him the right to send the $1T? No.
Granting, for the sake of argument, that Trump did need to withhold funds for a diplomatic objective, why did he need to keep Congress in the dark?
But of course he did not have such an objective.
If your only answer is "investigating Hunter Biden!", please explain why the President chose to leave this investigation to a foreign country ...
If you think Hunter Biden broke the law, why not investigate him ourselves?
Fin. 😡