The biggest bombshell of all? See #6 below, coupled with #10.
Lesson one: a lot more truth/validation to that Buzzfeed report.
Lesson two: even encouraging (not just directing) Cohen to lie would be illegal:…

(@harrylitman @renato_mariotti @BarbMcQuade @Mimirocah1 @d_a_sklansky @JoyceWhiteVance @alexgwhiting @AndyMcCanse)…
"Stone's denial matches with what Trump told Mueller: that the two never spoke about WikiLeaks."… (@DanaBashCNN @KaraScannell @evanperez reporting)
I wrote about that here:…
Former White House Counsel Bob Bauer and I spelled out those legal issues here:…
That said, Cohen's qualifications and limited information actually adds to Cohen's credibility. Were he lying about this, he'd presumably exaggerate a lot.
Mueller's memo said Cohen's information "credible and consistent with other evidence obtained in the SCO’s ongoing investigation"!