What will you do if you have an emergency but don’t have the funds to handle it? It’s difficult to handle emergencies unless you actively save a significant portion of your income.
Find something you love and do it. What do you love to do outside of work? Who do you love to spend time with? Make a conscious effort to do something you love and to spend time with people you love in 2020.
Give back to your community. Don’t wait for all your dreams to come true before you make yourself the source of someone’s joy. Make a conscious effort to help people in 2020.
5. Work
Forget smart work. Hard, intense, strategic work is the only way to move forward.
You obviously don’t want to place all your investments in a single basket. Open at least two investment accounts to diversify your investments.
Choose to invest in Overwood. We provide 12 - 18% annual interest rates on investment with a guarantee of fund safety.
Whilst you work hard, save and invest, find time to play also.