I'm taking the #Coursera #Learning How to Learn course
This assignment is to teach others. I decided to make a giant thread for my coding community since you all give me so much.
The course is teaching how learning happens. The course lessons are backed up by #neurological science. #Learning is not something only for the young, there are techniques that are easily obtainable to help you learn difficult subjects in any discipline.
"We ordinarily think of learning as something we do when we sit down to study a book. But actually, being able to learn more easily and deeply involves many important facets--including not only periods of focused concentration, but also periods of relaxation...
...and even times when the body is simply out getting exercise. Your brain can be busy figuring things out during times when you have absolutely no conscious awareness of it." - Dr. Barbara Oakley
Methods to use when learning something new
- analogy
- metaphor
- focused mode & diffuse modes of learning are both important
- mnemonics
- visual imagery
- create flash cards
- handwriting really helps lock ideas into your brain...
- avoid procrastination
- schedule in breaks, rewards, exercise, and stop times
- start by trying to get a understanding of what you are trying to accomplish
- begin study by trying to understand the basic idea
- keep a planner journal to record good methods
Focused mode learning
- direct approach to problem-solving
- rational, sequential, analytical
- uses the prefrontal cortex of the brain
Diffuse mode learning
- indirect approach to problem-solving
- take a shower, take a break, daydream
- exercise, sleep...
- research shows that exercise is just as important as an enriched environment for allowing the brain to grow new neurons
Why does procrastination happen?
- procrastination is very common
- even good learners procrastinate
- learning is hard, thus, emotionally painful
- our brains try to switch our mental attention away from pain
- this is similar to the addiction cycle
Why is procrastination bad?
- creates stress because there isn't enough time to complete what is needed
- stress slows the learning process
- cramming information in few, as opposed to many, study sessions means less information goes into long-term memory
How does your memory work?
- short-term memory is like a small white board that only holds a few things at one time
- repetition "cements" those topics we learn into the long-term memory like a brick warehouse...
- cramming, or little repetition, makes the brick warehouse fragile
- this cementing of short-term memory topics into long-term memory storage happens by forming and strengthening the synaptic connection through repetition and reinforcement...
- using multiple formats, techniques and media to study the same topic helps to strenghten the synaptic pathways
- brain connectivity is dynamic, ever-changing
Practice, Practice, Practice
- practice is important to develop expertise...
- practice should happen in differing settings at differing times
- the more abstract the concept, the more important practice is to make it real
Other effective study techniques
- trying to recall what you just learned immediately after studying
- testing yourself again at a later date then testing again even later
- repetition
- extra attention should be given to the most difficult material
The point is to build knowledge Chunks
- short term memory while in focused mode can only holds about 4 concepts at a time
- building a chunk from multiple concepts frees up concept slots
- repetition, practice, etc. build chunks
- chunks are scattered information united by contextual meaning
- contextual meaning builds understanding by "gluing" bits of information together
- mastery in other areas helps one to learn more easily in different areas...
- improvisation after creating chunks and mini-chunks creates mastery
- the more chunks you build, the more and bigger chunks you will be able to build
Methods to stop procrastinating:
- Pomodoro Technique
- understanding one's procrastination cues...
- learning to push past the desire to stop before you start
- learning to push past the desire to stop when working on hard-to-learn parts
- studying in a quiet place with no distractions
- coming up with a study routine - times of days, techniques...
What is the #Pomodoro Technique?
- repeated cycles of focused learning then a small break/reward after the focus
- most often as 25 min focus/5 min break, on the 4th cycle the break is 20-30 min
- remove all distractions during the focus
- breaks are diffuse, unfocused time
Why does the Pomodoro Technique work?
- it helps a learner avoid procrastination
- it gives the brain the breaks it needs to let to make random connections in a relaxed fashion
- it refreshes the brain between focus sessions
Next level learning techniques
- interleaving is difficult, but produces a synergy that deepens knowledge
- reorder sections to study differently each time
- try to use all of your senses when studying and learning...
- getting plenty of sleep
- not getting enough sleep is bad for the body and mind
- the mind needs sleep to clear out toxins and reinforce important topics
- studying important material just before bed allows brain to dream about topics in diffuse mode
- removing stress accelerates learning
- study in a well-lit, calm environment with few distractions
- study in multiple places and different times to day to make your knowledge adaptable
- making lists of tomorrow's work just before you go to sleep...
Be wary of...
- Overlearning, already developed patterns that get in the way of learning new ideas or concepts
- Illusions of Competence, some things feel like studying but don't build knowledge, like:...
- re-reading the text
- concept mapping before a chunk has formed
- over-highlighting
- getting hung up on the product of study, this can seem daunting, instead focus on the process, as in, study for half an hour and then take a break...
- focusing too intently on a problem when stuck for a long time, best to take a break or work on something else
The goal is to build great life-long study habits and break bad habits
- have a good study routine...
- recognize and ignore cues that lead to procrastination and other bad habits
- have the belief that your good habits work gives you the power to make them work
- reward yourself with a treat or a break after every study session that you do properly, this will make you want to do it over and over again
- make sure you give yourself plenty of time to master subject material and take extra time on difficult concepts
John Dunlosky-Strengthening the Student Toolbox: Study Strategies to Boost Learning bit.ly/29fCmdE
Michael Friedman-Note-taking tools and tips
Richard C. Mohs-How Human Memory Works
Brigid Schulte-For more productive life, daydream
Pam Harrison-Sleep on It: Sleep Consolidates Memory of New Motor Task
Robyn Scott-The 30 Second Habit That Can Have a Big Impact On Life
Johns Hopkins Medicine-Memories of errors foster faster learning
Travis Bradberry-Multitasking Damages Your Brain And Career, New Studies Suggest
Lauren Davidson-The Kind of Music You Should Listen to at Work
Annie Murphy Paul-Living Abroad Makes You Smarter
Shana K. Carpenter-Spacing and Interleaving of Study and Practice
Thanks a lot for being such a help to me everyone! Hope you gain some valuable tips or tricks to make your code learning accelerate!