In short: Like ‘The Woman Who Fell To Earth’ this is an especially polished Chibnall script. Also like that ep, production value and the launch of new take on a big character compensate for a lot of blah.

Especially his flying house. We’ve not seen his TARDIS since the 80s, and (despite endless exposition dialogue) that’s not explained here at all.
Still, I’m a fan, I got it and loved it. #tweetnotes
There’s no ‘have you ever considered x about the genre?’ It’s not an examination, it’s just running through the checklist - MI6 boss, daft assassinations, gadgets, undercover with villain. #tweetnotes
I guess ‘the Master’s just playing’ explains the uselessness of the attack - why it’s not aimed at the Doctor first, why it doesn’t just keep firing - but in the moment it just makes the attack seem feeble, an excuse. #tweetnotes
(A reason why the FYEO sequence is also not a famous one. Don’t the *bad* things in Bond!) #tweetnotes
It doesn’t even end, just sorta crossfades from ‘chase going badly’ to ‘we followed him sneakily’. You kept up but…went unnoticed after the chase? #tweetnotes
Oh, except Graham says “Doc”. #tweetnotes
Yaz as the cop who’s off work a lot. Ryan as a guy with mates who can’t throw. Graham as an old guy with a dead wife and, once, cancer.
These are CIRCUMSTANCES not PERSONALITIES. #tweetnotes
Paperwork, jobs, dyspraxia, cancer, bereavement. That’s not who you are. #tweetnotes
But if you commit to three scenes, your job is to make all three interesting. “And then in Russia, same thing’ was nothing. #tweetnotes
I don’t mind the restart of losing Torchwood and UNIT. I guess that helps newcomers. It’s just…we now have two New Year episodes that really want to be Torchwood-UNIT stories anyway! #tweetnotes
For the first Star Wars they cut gaps in the shot film to create the lightsaber glow. This felt like that - a gap something shines through. And that SO works to visually represent inter-dimensional beings. #tweetnotes
Ryan & Yaz interviewing him was never played for character - a great chance to size each other up, but who knows what anyone in that scene thinks of anyone else? #tweetnotes
But then, why did we scan his DNA anyway? Why was that priority one? #tweetnotes
We also still have the ‘monologue to educate the kids’. (Check out Lost in Space for this done well.) #tweetnotes
Sure it’s only been 12 episodes, but it’s also been two and a half years. That’s a lot of kids coming of age to watch. #tweetnotes
Note she was best last time when she had to spar with Alan Cumming. #tweetnotes
Instead this is all written as Ainley (Moffat also wrote Simm that way). Just mad evil. #tweetnotes
(Expect an index card ‘we were friends scene’ at some point, though.)
But that take, at least, gives Chibnall tools he knows how to use. #tweetnotes
The capricious plotting of the evil schemes is given justification this way. It helps sell the type of writing we’re getting. #tweetnotes
It’s all fan service, that. But sure, I thrilled at it and the flying house. #tweetnotes
‘Your character sheet does not match your actions’ is such a Chibnall version of cleverness. A data error.
You kinda have to be impressively smart to do it, or work long and hard to make one quick moment not feel like the product of days of thinking.
That data sheet companion does not feel like much work. #tweetnotes
But take away the kick of the Master reveal - which deserves its kudos, but wasn’t the meat of the episode - and it’s a good-looking adequate-athon. #tweetnotes
But at least she’s proactive here. Pushing. #tweetnotes
Our spies killed in pursuit of their duty? Maybe *we’re* not doing nice things! #tweetnotes
And it’s plot more than story. I can’t say this feels like it means much to any character. #tweetnotes
But it’s ep one. Series 11’s opener was similarly polished. Then ep two tanked it. So we’ll see. #tweetnotes