In short: Flaws too plentiful to call it a success, entertainment too plentiful to call a failure. Mostly it’s just a shame the debate has become about fandom and author intention rather than the film.

Taking advantage of this, old dudes with resources to spare are revealed to have been using young fash idiots to put themselves back on top.
Yup. #tweetnotes
But this wasn’t about nothing.
That came from JJ’s first movie. Redemption is baked in. But so’s the need to face the history he’s been emulating. #tweetnotes
But if you dismiss Palpatine’s return as fan service or lazy, I can’t help you. Alt-right youth needed to face space Hitler and realise he’s being used.
The Empire is coming up through the First Order because…well Jesus, what else did you think would happen? #tweetnotes
It doesn’t have to satisfy you, but let’s not miss that it’s *there*. #tweetnotes
Not the monster who wanted to kill Rian’s Johnson’s movie (seriously?), or the genius who can do anything (seriously?), but the guy who directed Super 8, M:I3, Star Trek, Into Darkness and the Lost pilot. #tweetnotes
JJ made Star Trek, which confidently made all the old Trek tropes fun for a new audience.
Then made Into Darkness. Which plundered any *other* tropes Trek had - KAHN! - and annoyed everyone. #tweetnotes
Not for JJ the urge to push forward, instead it’s “Do that thing you like more”.
That’s Super 8’s Amblin homage, or M:I3 showing *how* masks are made.
He makes homage engines that turn over decently. Not things that are made to climax and conclude. #tweetnotes…
But we all knew it was the Star Wars we knew, rather than a new take. The fresh characters were the big win. #tweetnotes
Romances. New planets and creatures. Ancestry hassles. Redemption. Etc. Etc.
It’s a limited approach, is all. And at least it’s done with colour and glee. #tweetnotes
But more, I’m bothered by the flaws of both. The reduxes of one, the perfunctory plot of the other.
Which means I might be the person TROS is for.…
Yet I’m fine with Rey’s retcon. Cos it gives this film some heft.
The character remains who she is. Changing *what* she is? I’m fine with. #tweetnotes
Kylo is too deeply understood to simply be reduced to that. This is Star Wars, a black and white universe, we’re not going to make a sympathetic character irredeemable.
No Snoke, so sure, Palpatine, fine. #tweetnotes
That’s how you get to ’granddaughter’. By wanting Rey to be the lead in this movie. #tweetnotes
But to hell with the “JJ wanted to undo Johnson”. Both guys are trying to solve their stories, they just have very different tastes and methods.
This isn’t news. #tweetnotes
And she stops the mutherfucker.
I’m fine with that story being told. #tweetnotes
Defeating what your elders tell you should be is fine by me. #tweetnotes
Kylo’s punished in standard movie terms. Too many crimes to live. Be good and begone. #tweetnotes
Yellow lightsaber. A torch to carry forward as a person, not a Jedi of the old, dusty kind.
And I name myself. I get to do that. #tweetnotes
Nor is she starting a Jedi academy, ruled over by old books.
Johnson made it clear, this doesn’t contradict: You don’t burn books. You just don’t have to live by them literally. #tweetnotes
But some people thought she was moving to Tatooine. Which is weak film craft on the makers’ part.
And there’s LOADS of that weak craft going on. #tweetnotes
“Let’s look for a map again” - also the plot of the last JJ film - is a rotten choice. It wasn’t good then, it’s not better here. No better done, not for a better reason, nor better resolved. #tweetnotes
Two shoved in semi-romances. Fan hopes aside, neither works on its own terms either.
Finn realising other troopers desert means little, too. #tweetnotes
TLJ joins Rey and Run through the Force, makes it physical with the raindrops.
TROS grabs that and makes it a SF-magic power. #tweetnotes
A falling mask gives away Rey’s location at a crucial moment.
A fight across two planes of reality.
I’m fine with it, but it’s just sort of there. It’s not ‘wrong for Star Wars’ but it’s not interesting. It’s just a gadget, set up and paid off. #tweetnotes
Rey is about to cut herself off and do what Luke did. That was wonderful, human. too much pain, too big a nightmare.
Luke was wrong to do it (people seem to forget Last Jedi is about that), so he’s the perfect Force Ghost to show up and prevent it. #tweetnotes
You can tell Ford’s been given a huge payday to show up and do the thing that Carrie was supposed to do.
You can tell JJ and Johnson have different sensibilities. (Like you didn’t see Empire and Jedi clash tones!) #tweetnotes
We can do this all day. Hell, the culture will do it forever.
But I’m gonna enjoy some of this stuff. That OK? #tweetnotes
And given the incest that defined their early relationship, hating on that seems to be an active rejection of a bloody good wheeze. #tweetnotes
Her job in TLJ was to be Finn’s conscience. And that’s done now. (Arguably it was done in TFA, but Johnson wanted to do it deeper.) #tweetnotes
I dunno that the job of sequels is to include a turn for everyone from the last movie. #tweetnotes
I did not enjoy it more than my top four Star Wars movies.
Loads of things people are mad about are fine by me. They serve story worth telling. A text worth reading. #tweetnotes
A couple are the best of it.
I honestly don’t know how you solve this messy series, and I like the attempt.
All I know for sure is that *nobody* is going to be happy with these #tweetnotes.

All those chanting hooded guys, gathered him in his life support rig?
Utterly unexplained and all the better for it. The only time JJ reached for true oddness.
You go good, you get an afterlife, and even the chance to return as a Force Ghost. You go bad, you end up like a weak Ringwraith. Shuffling ghouls, stuck in a shitty cold cave hating things en masse.