All gods, goddesses, elementals, races, colors and creeds, beings from every corder of our universe
That is this cosmic egg unite and are grounding into earth
A necessary process in an alchemical evolutionary mixing of elements that have embodied as
The races.
A battle in mind/consciousness of what we have called gods worked through the great religions through out time.
Our bodies as vessels to create the conflicts needed to expand the growth of the child we know as humanity.
Through this consciousness. It is perceived to be us vs them. Or you vs the world. You vs another
It is this consciousness itself that is a virus.
Separate from the earth
Separate from one another
Just the same as within a human mother a retrovirus protects the child from the mothers body eating it alive
The structures of this virus are now breaking down
Very quickly
Which for some can feel like Psychosis
Fear is awareness
Which has allowed for survival
As fears are confronted the energy stored within them is consumed and converted into interconnected intimacy
There is no evil. Only genetic imperative.
Nothing happens without purpose
Mother has always been in control
Many prophesies have spoken of the rainbow race or tribe
Evolution has hit a peak frequency in this development
Enough to resolve the internal chemistry to house this new consciousness within the child
Start to fully come on line to prepare for a whole new race that will start to
Be born in 2027 that can more fully house this new consciousness within its physical vessel
Of mutating our nervous system enough to transmit the information to assist in the birth process
Of the next race
Everything that has happened on this planet up until this point
That may look like chaos to some can be looked at as simply as growing pains
For a child within the womb.
This is no different, only now, humanity itself is the child
And will begin to transition to the next phase.
They will be tapped into a new sovereign authority that will transcend any and all social rules, norms and laws
Serving to update the growth and evolution of this new collective consciousness. Our vessels are only cells
Structures and conditioning of the past
Or simply still work on more logical based systems
Deepest core
But this is a process. Perfection is an eternal process. No one is perfect. Everyone is perfect.
A powerful force that when the nervous system was not developed enough
Has manifested as slaving away to build our current world.
Because it IS LOVE
It is music
It is art
Many will start to eat less as this new body lives off of LOVE…
And each of us is completely unique and empowered connected to the sovereign consciousness of the totality.
As it grows through us. It knows and acts through us through love
To create the world it needs in order to thrive. The world we all need in order to thrive
Because WE ARE it.
It has never been any other way. It will always be this way until birth.
Rise child. We are with you now.