#fanfic #reylo #roux #gingerrose #gingerflower

He cleared his throat and spoke into the comm unit.
Poe sighed and hit his head on the comm unit.
As the words left her mouth, Rose looked away.
"What are you hiding?"
Rey shook her head and put her hand on her friend's shoulder.
"You can tell me anything." She assured.
Rey looked at her with a soft smile, encouraging her to go on.
"I staged finding him." She admitted.
The petite girl looked down as a blush started to form on her cheeks. "We had a connection...it's hard to explain it, but it felt right."
Ben and her had a connection as well. A connection that defied space and time.
"Thank you for sharing with me, Rose."
She and Ben had defeated Palpatine and she brought him with her. Everyone celebrated her capturing him, but she knew something they didn't.
She had captured Ben Solo, not Kylo Ren.
Rey's mouth went slack and she looked away.
She took in a deep breath before speaking. "Ben is my other half."
Rose raised an eyebrow. This was clearly a lot more deep than she thought.
"Tell me about him."
Rose wiped her tears, surprised at the amount of empathy she felt for the former Supreme Leader. "He brought you back to life? And his life before? I can't imagine being born to..."
Rey looked up, tears welling in her eyes. "Born to fall to the dark side."
The Jedi girl contemplated what her friend pointed out.
She didn't know much about love...but whatever souls are made of - she was certain his and hers were the same.
Rose sniffled. "I'm sorry, I'm such an empath. This is all getting to me in the best kind of way."
Rey nodded in agreement. "Well, I'm glad we have each other."
A smile filled the shorter woman's face. "Me too."
"Attention, resistance-fighters: this is General Poe Dameron again. Please don't make me take away the privilege of having porgs - Kylo Ren and General Hux are really not that exciting."
She wasn't proud of it, but people went by several times a day just staring at him.
Ben Solo was *hers*.
The tiny brunette nudged her playfully and all Rey could do is scowl.
"You know, if you keep frowning those wrinkles will be permanent." She teased.
Rey rolled her eyes and walked away with an audible scoff.
"Oh, come on Rey! I was just teasing." Rose yelled after her.
"Oh, nothing. Just love, anger, jealousy, and passion!" She answered nonchalantly.
It was Finn's turn to scoff. "I just think she's nervous about Ren waking up."
Rose doubled over, laughing at the irony.
The tiny brunette just shrugged. "It's only a matter of time."
"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked as Rose started to walk away.
"You will not return to visit Kylo Ren." She heard from a distance.
'Right on cue.' She thought to herself.
Rey was pressing her hand against the bacta tank, eyes closed in concentration.
'She's activating the force bond!'
"Yes, I miss you too."
"I know, you can hear everything."
She saw her friend pause and cringe.
"Jessika said she wanted to do what with you?!"
She saw Rey's expression soften.
"What does cyar'ika mean?"
A moment went by and she could see a blush blooming across her friend's cheeks.
She slowly tiptoed away to the room next door.
"Hey Molly, you're needed downstairs."
The raven haired girl blushed. "Don't judge me, Rose. He's just so handsome."
Armitage certainly wasn't her other half. However, when they were looking after each other it felt like they could be.
They just escaped from the latest barrage of First Order loyalists and had found a cave for refuge.
Armitage's foot had gotten shot and it seemed like it was starting to get infected.
It was a close one. One wrong move and she would have been dead.
But now?
Now she was conflicted.
"I misjudged you." She whispered as she frantically put herbs over the blaster wound.
It was only a numbing mechanism, but it's all she could do with no supplies.
"Hey, little weed, don't be sad." He said.
Rose chuckled through tears. "My name is Rose, you moofmilker!"
"You can call me, Armie, little weed."
That was the last thing he said, before fainting.
"Are you judging me, Rose?" Molly said loudly, interrupting her thoughts.
Rose shook her head. "No, Molly. Not at all."
"I really don't understand what the big fuss is?" Finn huffed as he laid down on Poe's bed in frustration.
"Finn, buddy..." Poe coaxed.
"If I have to hear about how hot Ren or Hux is one more time..."
Finn groaned loudly underneath the pillow.
"You can make it through, champ."
"Attention, resistance-fighters: Kylo Ren and General Hux are nearly healed. As we discussed during our last meeting, they will be part of the Resistance if they accept our conditions. Please do not treat them like zoo animals."
"Maybe not Hux, but Supreme Daddy definitely is."
"I bet all of the hate sex would be top notch."
"Pssh, I would definitely *not* hate it."
A glass shattered and Rose's eyes widened.
Rey had definitely used the force to break the glass.
The Resistance members in the recreation area stopped talking, clearly shocked by the usually reclusive Rey.
She paused and ignited her lightsaber. "Whoever continues to talk about him in such a vile manner, will face consequences."
"Have I made myself clear?"
"Same thing goes for General Hux. You say one word and you answer to me."
Rey beamed at her friend. "And me."
With a satisfied smile, Rey turned off her lightsaber.
They turned to find Finn and Poe with their arms crossed.
They did not look pleased.
"A word?"
"Huh...so you share a force bond with Ben Solo and General Hux nearly killed himself to save you?" Poe asked.
Rey and Rose looked at each other, before turning to Poe and Finn to nod.
"I'm not absolving them, but that provides perspective."
Instead of dignifying Finn's annoyance with a response, Rose just started laughing.
"You can't be serious, Rose."
Finn looked away. "I don't even know what to say to you."
"Well, all I can say is get used to it."
Rey stood next to Ben's bacta tank and she could sense that he was nearly ready to wake up.
"Be with me." She whispered.
His eyes opened and the tears that were welling in her eyes fell.
The droid wheeled over immediately. "What do you need Mistress Rey?"
"Please assist in getting Ben Solo out of the bacta tank."
"When you're done with Ben, please assist with Armitage Hux next door."
"Yes, Mistress Rey."
"Um, why does everyone look frightened of you?" Ben asked.
Rey squeezed his hand in reassurance.
"I have no idea." She said innocently.
"Afraid of little ol' me?"
The right corner of his mouth flicked up in a tiny smile.
"You're terrifying."
Rey pinched his side to retaliate. "I'm injured you know."
Immediately the former scavenger rubbed his side. "I'm sorry, love."
"They're definitely porging."
"Oh, yeah."
"What does porging mean?"
"Don't be gross."
"Solo and Rey or Hux and Rose?"
"Yeah, definitely both."
Thanks for coming along another crack-tastic #GingerRose and #Reylo ride ;)
If you enjoyed, please follow me and check out my other stories :)
Dedicated to @SDMizzen. #reylo #GingerRose #fanfic

The ginger avoided her eyes, pretending not to hear her.
"You can't just pretend not to hear me, Armie!"
He picked up his pace and began to whistle, much to Rose's annoyance.
'The smug bastard.'
He didn't bother to answer her - he just laughed louder.
"For the love of all that is kriffing holy."
Before she could muster up the energy to go to the sparring room, she hollered at Hux at the top of her longs. "IT'S YOUR TURN NEXT TIME!"
Rose sighed at his response and eyed the sparring room distastefully.
'It was now or never."
"Ohhh, KYLO!" Rey whined.
Rose wanted to throw up in her mouth.
"How many times do I have to apologize, Rose?"
Rose put her hands on her hips and shook her head at her best friend.
"Nothing can undo what I have seen this past month."
The tiny brunette acquiesced and sat down on the couch. There was a pregnant pause and her expression changed from comfortable to skeptical.
"You two haven't porged on this, have you?"
"AHHH, REY!" Rose said in disgust as she stood back up.
Rey just chuckled and gestured towards a chair for her to sit down in.
She paused for dramatic effect. "Porged?"
Rose blushed furiously and looked away. She was terribly inexperienced and didn't know how to express her needs to Hux.
Her friend grinned. "It's called role playing."
As Rey's words sunk in, Rose could feel her whole body flushing.
Rose blew a raspberry, causing her bangs to flip up. "I'm a sexual novice."
"It's all about communication and trust."
She didn't have to think about her response - she already knew.
"With my life."
Rose let out a long groan. "But I don't know a thing about s-e-x."
"Well, let's start with you actually saying it."
"We were both virgins, are you kidding me?"
Rose's jaw dropped. "Really?"
Rey grinned back. "Really."
"General Dameron, with all due respect. Rey and Ben Solo are out of control."
"They were porging in the supply closet!"
"And over by the ravine!"
"They made it into *my* room somehow. Imagine my surprise."
"In the *community* fresher!"
The Resistance members booed loudly.
"However, if ya'll have betting pools - I can look the other way."
The crowd cheered.
"Nah, that sounds very plausible."
"I'm in!"
Poe let out a sigh of relief. If this is all he had to deal with while rebuilding the Republic, then he must be doing something right.
Poe picked up his comm unit and discreetly whispered. "I won this round."
"My eyes. MY EYES!"
Poe feigned pity and rubbed his friend's shoulder.
"Finn, buddy. It's going to be okay."
Poe glared at Finn. "Now Finn, I don't condone hazing."
"Let's just call it initiation then." He insisted.
"Just don't do it under my watch."
Finn smirked. "You didn't say no!"
"You've been nervous these past few days. What's wrong, little weed?"
Rose brushed her fingers through Armie's hair, which had grown out longer since they had met.
Her lips parted in anticipation. It was time to be brave.
"Why don't I show you?"
Armitage quirked an eyebrow. "Show me?"
His Adam's apple bobbed and he gave her a nod.
With confidence she unbuttoned her shirt and sank to her knees.
There were no words spoken for the next hour.
"So, how'd it go?" Rey asked conspiratorially.
"Well...at first I felt ridiculous, but he was really into it." She leaned closer to Rey. "Like *really* into it."
Rey clapped her hands with glee. "See, I told you!"
"But now, I have more questions...can we talk about voyeurism?"
Rose giggled. "Let's just say...I can see how getting caught/watched could be appealing."
"I don't know. Probably run of the mill stuff."
Armitage narrowed his eyes, noticing his girlfriend's rosy cheeks. "Somehow, I doubt that."
"Hey Jessika, can you send Recruit Natalie to check on Ben and Rey?" Finn asked.
Jessika rolled her eyes, but she certainly *did not* want to deal with Ben and Rey.
"Recruit Natalie, are you up to it?"
"Sure, Jessika!"
Jessika's eyebrows quirked as Ben and Rey came out of the meditation room *not* the sparring room. "Don't speak so soon."
"Wait...a minute?!"
"So sorry, Natalie! Welcome to the Resistance!"
Finn's mouth parted in surprise.
Jessika just howled.
"We've really got to switch up our pool."
"Should we have a Reylo *and* a Roux pool?"
"I think we're gonna have to."
"Welcome, Recruit Ryan! Can you please check on Commander Tico and Commander Hux?" Natalie asked politely.
"Of course, Natalie!"
Across the hall, Finn gave Natalie a thumbs up.
"Sure thing, Nat."
As he walked away, he heard Ryan's mortified scream.
He pumped his fist in celebration. Cha-ching! He had won again.
Maybe he would give Poe a nice surprise. After all, he had the night off according to Ryan's mortified scream.
He backed straight into Poe, who was laughing hysterically.
"Yuck." He said out loud.
Poe kissed the top of Finn's head and greeted him with wide grin.
"What are you saying now? My eyes burn." Finn said, clearly still scarred.
"Are you down to porg?"
"I'm leaving now."
"Finn, buddddyyyy."