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Tonight's #DemDebate is the last one before the Iowa caucus vote.

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The candidates have joined on stage. This is the smallest #DemDebate yet, featuring Tom Steyer, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, and Amy Klobuchar.
Sanders: 'In 2002 when Congress was debating on going to war with Iraq, I not only voted against the war, I led the effort against the war.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'I know what it’s like to send a son or daughter, and that’s why I do it very very reluctantly. I led the effort against surging tens of thousands of troops into Afghanistan.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'The war in Iraq turned out to be the worst foreign policy blunder in the modern history of this country... I did everything I could to prevent that war, Joe [Biden] saw it differently.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'I opposed that [Iraq] war from the very beginning... I pushed to bring our troops home.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'As president, I will get us back into that [Iran] agreement.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg calls out challenges ahead, including cybersecurity and climate change. #DemDebate
Warren: 'I believe the principle job of the Commander-in-Chief is to keep America safe. And I think that’s about judgement... We need to cut that revolving door and cut our defense budget.' #DemDebate
Steyer calls out '20 years of mistakes' in the Middle East: 'I understand how America interacts with other countries. It isn’t so much about experience, it’s about judgement.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'The two great policy failures of our lifetime, the war in Vietnam and the war in Iraq, were based on lies.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'I was part of that deal to get the nuclear agreement with Iran… and it was working.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'Look what’s happened… We’re now isolated.
new messages. We have lost the support of our allies.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'I would leave some troops there but not at the level Donald Trump is leading us now.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'This president puts his own interest, his private interests, in front of our country.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'We should stop asking our military to solve problems that cannot be solved militarily. We need to work with our allies.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'No one has a solution and an end point. We need to get our combat troops out [of Afghanistan].' #DemDebate
Biden: 'I was part of the coalition to put together 68 countries to deal with [stateless terror].' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'My perspective is to ensure [sending thousands of troops to war] will never happen when there is an alternative as commander in chief.' #DemDebate
Sanders: '87 million people have no health care or are underinsured. The American people are sick and tired of endless wars that have cost us hundreds of trillions of dollars.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'Resolve international conflict diplomatically and stop the endless wars.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'The only way you can take the nation to war is with the informed consent of the American people.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'When we lost troops in Niger, there were members of Congress who admitted they didn't even know we had troops there... The reality is year after year, Congress didn't want to touch this either.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'If our troops can summon the courage to go overseas into harms way…then we have got to be sure that Congress can summon the courage to [vote on authorization].' #DemDebate
Warren: 'We need an authorization for the use of military force before we take this nation into combat... We've turned the corner so many times, we're going in circles... It's time to get our combat troops home.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'I would take military action to protect the lives and safety of American citizens... Obviously, Mr. Trump has no strategy... We really have to ask ourselves in the Middle East, what are we trying to accomplish?' #DemDebate
Steyer: '[In the past 2 decades there’s been no strategy]. Just a series of tactical decisions that make no sense.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'The Trump administration itself admitted [the Iran deal] was working. We've got to work with our partners. We can't do this alone. It's a widely shared goal around the world... Our security depends on insuring Iran does not become nuclear.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'Because of the actions of Donald Trump, we are in a situation in which Iran is starting to enrich uranium again. What I would do is negotiate, I would bring people together.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'I would not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon. You have to have a president that sees this as a #1 goal.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'I would be putting pressure on China to put pressure on [North] Korea [to cease and desist]... I would move forward on defense against nuclear weapons... I would not meet with its supreme leader.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'Iran is under great pressure economically... What worked with President Obama was an alliance... to put economic pressure on them to give up their military tactic.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'We can do much better than a Trump-led trade deal... We have forced American workers to compete against workers in Mexico and China who are working for starvation wages.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'Given that climate change is the greatest threat [facing] this nation, I will not support a trade agreement that does not [address the issue].' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'If we do not get our act together in terms of climate change, the planet we leave to our children and grandchildren will be unlivable and uninhabitable.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'We have farmers here in Iowa who are hurting. And they are hurting because of Donald Trump's trade wars... We need a coherent trade policy, one that helps our workers, our farmers.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'It is not so easy to put together new trade legislation. If [the USMCA] is passed, it will set us back a number of years.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'I am sick and tired of trade agreements negotiated by the CEOs of corporations behind closed doors.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'I think we need a big trading block with North America to take on China.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'There will be no trade agreement signed in my administration without environmentalists and workers unions at the table…We should be focusing on equipping American workers to deal with [evolving technology.]' #DemDebate
Biden: 'We need to figure out how we write the rules of the road, not China.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'Joe [Biden] and I have a fundamental disagreement here, in case you haven't noticed... We need some corporate responsibility here and we need good paying jobs in America.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'We need a different approach to trade, and it starts be calling out the corruption of the giant corporations that cut these trade deals. Everybody wants to get to the American market. We need a coherent approach.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'These trade deals have been designed to grow the nation's GDP for the corporations of American, not for American workers or for the climate. I'm the only person on this stage who says climate is my #1 priority.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'I've got 4 kids between the ages of 26 and 41. I cannot let the climate go down the path of destruction.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'We have to make sure that we have better answers than we do today. How are we going to make sure than any of this actually gets done?' #DemDebate
Sanders addresses the reports that he allegedly told Warren a woman couldn't be president: 'I didn't say it! Anybody who knows me, knows that it's incomprehensible that I don't believe that a woman can be the President of the United States.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes. How could anybody in a million years believe that a woman could not be President of the U.S.?' #DemDebate
Warren: 'I am not here to try to fight with Bernie.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'The best way to talk about who can win is to look at people's winning record. [Look at everyone on this stage.] The only people who have won every single election they have been in is the women: Amy and me.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'The only person who has beat an incumbent Republican any time in the past 30 years is me.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'You don’t have to be the tallest person in the room, you don’t have to be the skinniest person in the room, you don’t have to be the loudest… You have to be competent.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'I defeated an incumbent Republican.'

Warren: '...30 years ago.'

Warren: 'In 2018 we took back the House, we took back state houses because of women candidates... We changed America, that's who we are.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'Medicare for All will end the absurdity of the U.S. paying by far the most for [health care].'
Sanders: 'We've talked about health care in this country for over 100 years. Now is the time to take on the greed and the corruption of health care companies.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'You can do it without Medicare for all.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'This debate isn't real. Over 2/3 of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate aren't on the bill that you and Warren are on.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'How do we make it easier for people to get coverage for addiction and mental health? I have a plan for that.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'We've got to get as much help to as many people as fast as we can... We can cut the cost of prescription drugs, of insulin, of Epipens...' #DemDebate
Biden: 'There's mental health parity in my Obamacare extension.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'Everybody on this stage believes that health care is a human right for every American.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'I do happen to agree with Biden that we should move to expand the ACA with a public option.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'Our [Medicare for All] plan wouldn't bankrupt the country, in fact it would much improve the quality of life for most working families and the middle class.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'Health care is a human right. Every other major country on Earth is already guaranteeing health care for all.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'Practically, the ACA is 10 points more popular than the President of the United States.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'I think you should show how you’re gonna pay for things, Bernie.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'It's making sure there's no such thing as an uninsured American... What I'm offering is a choice. You don't have to be in my plan, if there's another plan you would rather keep. There's no need to kick Americans off the plans they want.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'Our party should no longer hesitate to talk about the issue of debt or the deficit.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'What we need to do is make the commitment that we know where the money comes from, that we can ask the top 1% pay... Yes we build on the ACA, but we offer health care to all of our people.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'The average family in America last year paid $12,000. You can't cover that with the kind of money that the mayor [Buttigieg] is talking about.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'We are now spending twice as much per person on health care than people of any other country.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'We're spending way too much. We have corporations that are having their way with the American people, and the people are suffering. We are going to have to break the corporate stranglehold.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'The way you control drug prices is you limit what they can charge.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'I will lower the price of prescription drugs, I will lower the price of insulin, I will lower the price of Epipens, of HIV/AIDS drugs.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'Get some competition out there so the price of these drugs that are no longer under patent drops to where it should be.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'I have a plan. There are 137 things I have found that a president can do herself in the first 100 days that are legal. One of those things is that you can start bringing in less expensive drugs from other countries.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'There are 2 pharma lobbyists for every member of Congress.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'It makes no sense for child care to cost 2/3 of a family's income. It must change, and we shouldn't be afraid of putting forth federal dollars to fight that.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'I remember when I was a young mom, I had 2 little kids, and I had my first really university teaching job. But it was child care that nearly brought me down.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'Stop exploiting the people who do this valuable work [of child care], largely Black and brown women. It's an investment in [our families and] our teachers.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'Early child care workers are making less than workers at McDonald's.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'I was a single parent too, as a young senator... I could not afford for my family child care.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'We have to raise the salaries of the people who are doing the [child] care.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'We expect and hope for everyone to get through 12th grade. It's not the same for college.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'I don't want cost ever to be a barrier, and under my plan it won't be... And if you're in that top income bracket, I still wish you well… I just need you to go ahead and pay that tuition.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'We need a wealth tax in America... That means the lowliest millionaire would be paying about $19 million in taxes.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'What we really need to talk about is the bigger economic picture here. We need to put a wealth tax in place, to ask those multimillion dollar corporations to pay a little bit more.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'We are gonna have over a million openings for home health care workers that we don’t know how to fill in the next 10 years. We’re not gonna have a shortage of MBAs, we’re gonna have a shortage of plumbers.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'I was one of the people who talked about a wealth tax over a year ago. The income inequality in this country is unbearable.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'We need to redistribute money so that everyone has a chance, and so that we're not reinstating inequality in the next generation. We need to start using the money dramatically more for that.' #DemDebate
Here's what you've missed so far from tonight's #DemDebate. go.nowth.is/3a6BYNf
Biden says he will look to 'not only fight, but to heal.' #DemDebate
Biden on the impeachment trial: 'There’s no choice but for Nancy Pelosi and the House to move.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar on the impeachment trial: 'This is a decency check on our government, this is a patriotism check.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'If you ask me if standing up for the American people, for the Constitution, for what's right... if you think that isn't worth it, then you don't share the same idea of what America is about.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'Some things are more important than politics. I took an oath. If we have an impeachment trial, I will be there.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'What that impeachment trial is going to show… is the corruption of this administration. It's about Donald Trump putting Donald Trump first. It's about him helping himself first.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'We are going to be the party that is willing to fight on the side of the people.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'Climate change has come to America from coast to coast. We've seen it in Iowa, we've seen it in historic floods in my community. In Australia, there are literally tornadoes made of fire.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'We also have to ensure that we are not going to allow this to get any worse. And if we get it right, then farmers are going to be a big part of the solution.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'We are going to have to use federal funds to make sure that we are supporting those whose lives are inevitably made [more difficult by climate change]. Equity and environmental justice have to be at the core of our climate change plan.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'Of course, we are going to come to the rescue of Americans who are in trouble. I would declare a state of emergency on day 1 for climate.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'For 12 years I've been fighting the climate crisis... I have a history of over a decade of leading the climate fight successfully, so yes I am the person here who has the chops.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'Climate change threatens every living thing on this planet, and the urgency of this moment cannot be overstated.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'I will stop all new drilling and mining on federal lands, I’ll bring in the farmers… We should see this, though, for the problem it is. We have known about this climate crisis for decades.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'Nearly every one of us has a similar plan, and that is to get to carbon neutral by 2045.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'When we do this, we have to make sure that we make people whole. When we put a tax on carbon, we have to make sure that money goes back to the people who paid for it.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'We are seeing Australia burning, we saw California burning. This is of course a national crisis.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'We have got to take on the fossil fuel industry and all of their lies and tell them that their short term profits are not more important than the future of this planet.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'We should be investing in infrastructure that raises roads, make sure every highway is a green highway... We can turn great crisis into great opportunity.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'The Black voters who know me best are supporting me.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'The biggest mistake we can make is to take Black voters for granted, and I never will.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'The campaign that we are gonna run will expose the fraudulency of who Donald Trump is. Donald Trump is corrupt, a pathological liar, and he is a fraud.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'We know how Donald Trump is gonna run for president; he is gonna run on the economy.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'Whoever is going to beat Donald Trump is going to have to beat him on the economy, and I have the experience to prove that he is a liar and a fraud... I look forward to taking him down in the fall on the debate stage.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'I am from the exact kind of industrial Midwest community that [Donald Trump] pretends to speak to and to represent.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'If a guy like Donald Trump keeps trying to use religion to somehow recruit [Christians] into the GOP, I am here to say that no one party has a monopoly on religion. God does not belong to a political party.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'I am going to be able to stand across from [Donald Trump] on the debate stage and say that the Midwest isn't flyover country for me. I live here. For me, these are my friends and my neighbors.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'We have an America right now that's working great for those at the top, it's just not working for anyone else. We have a chance to unite... I'm building the grassroots movement, we're gonna make this America work for everyone else.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'I've taken on all the hits [Donald Trump] can deliver, and I'm getting better. My polls are going up.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'The American public is getting clobbered, the wealthy are the only ones who are doing well. I'm looking forward to the economic debate.' #DemDebate
Still wondering where the candidates stand on the issues? Here's what they told us were their #1 priorities. go.nowth.is/2NqaR5X #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'Donald Trump thinks this is all about him. I think it's about you... We need a candidate who is actually going to bring people with her. I have won every race, every place, every time.' #DemDebate
Klobuchar: 'I believe that we need a president who is going to look out for you. So if you are tired of the extremes in our politics, you have a home with me.' #DemDebate
Steyer: 'The American people are my teammates. And I won't let my teammates get kicked in the face. I am prepared to take on Mr. Trump on the debate stage and take him down on the economy.' #DemDebate
Buttigieg: 'This is our moment. This is our one shot to defeat Donald Trump. If you are exhausted by the spectacle of division, I am asking you to help me turn the page.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'I come here tonight with a heart filled with hope. I see this as our moment in history, when no one is left on the sidelines, when we build the movement to make real change.' #DemDebate
Warren: 'Hope and courage, that is how I will build the courage to lead you are your nominee. It comes to us to decide the future of this country.' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'How does it happen in the richest country in the history of the world that half of our people are living paycheck to paycheck, struggling?' #DemDebate
Sanders: 'This is the moment when we’ve got to think big, not small. This is the moment when we have to have the courage to take on the 1% and the greed of the corrupt and the corporate elite.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'Everyone in this country is entitled to be treated with respect and dignity. It's about fundamental respect and decency.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'We have to restore America's soul. We lead the world when we lead by example, not by our power. We need to gain the respect of the world.' #DemDebate
Biden: 'This is the United States of America, there is not a single thing that is beyond our capacity to do if we do it together.' #DemDebate
That's it for tonight's #DemDebate. Thanks for following along!
For all the updates you might have missed, we've got you covered #DemDebate go.nowth.is/3a6BYNf
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