Quitting abusing substances made it impossible for me to continue doing sex work.
How many prostitutes are able to work once whole and sober?
I couldn’t.
My abuse was ESSENTIAL to my work.
That lesson transitioned seamlessly into adulthood. There was never a shortage of unwanted touch.
The sex I had for pay felt like a lot like the sex I’d had for free. At least I could get paid.
I’m telling you that prostitution is correlated w abuse because the work is most comfortable for women who’ve grown up having their bodily boundaries trampled.
They’re benefiting from abusive husbands, and compulsory heterosexuality, and narcissistic engulfment, and religious abuse.
Why don’t the wives of sex buyers ever get discussed?
Doesn’t the impact to them matter?
But I should’ve cared. I should’ve cared about their spouses, their kids, and where that money was coming from. Most weren’t rich.
Abuse is evil. Poverty is tragedy. And for prostitution to thrive, our society must be rife with both.