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Mar 16th 2023
@Demarit @TyttiTup @PetteriOrpo @MikkonenKrista '#Preventing' #Grooming in the #HappiestCountry
The #Oulu #rapecrisis.
"Stop, don't touch me there." | 2y
Oulun kaupunki laittoi 2,5 miljoonaa euroa Turvallinen Oulu -hankkeeseen, jonka tarkoituksena on ehkäistä uskonsoturien tuomaa seksuaalirikollisuutta.
@Demarit @TyttiTup @PetteriOrpo @MikkonenKrista #Islam'in perusteet
- #muslimi on määrätty taistele­maan fyysisesti myös #vääräuskoisia vastaan. Muhamma­din vaikuttava #sotilas­ura on todistuk­sena siitä, kuinka keskeisessä asemassa sotilaal­linen toi­minta #islam'issa on.
Read 18 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
VorssanExpress -hevoisuutimia: @oikeusasiamies
'Poliisiylijohtaja valehteli #alHol -suunnitelmista | 14.12.2019 
- Presidentti #Haavisto on pitkin syksyä valehdellut ja tahallaan johtanut ihmisiä harhaan #alHawl'sta.…
@oikeusasiamies #Soros järjestää #hillotolppa'a #PoliticalTrash pyrkyreille.
- Syyttömien koulutyttöjen veri virtaa #vihreät #demarit #kokoomus #UsefulIdiots syystä.
#Soros-#CIA plan to #destablish #Europe.
- #ISIS Has Directed and Inspired Attacks Around the World.
@oikeusasiamies #Utaremaisteri'sta #Soros-#Alivaliosihteeri @PaiviNerg
Read 19 tweets
Jun 19th 2022
I encourage concerned @CuyahogaCounty residents to attend Tuesday’s @CuyahogaCouncil meeting & make a public comment at the beginning of the meeting. It starts at 5 pm at the County admin HQ at the 4th floor. You have 3 minutes to speak. #ARPA #RapeCrisis @clevelandrcc
I literally got a tension headache when I read this story. It was so well written I assumed @njKaitlinDurbin wrote it. But it was written by @clevelanddotcom’s new Stimulus Watch reporter @LucasDaprile.
As a #Parma resident, I’m surprised & embarrassed @ParmaMayor Tim DeGeeter, Parma City Council President Sean @BrennanForParma & @CuyahogaCouncil member Scott Tuma thought rebuilding the city’s golf course club house was a good use of #ARPA funds because they are good leaders.
Read 11 tweets
Jul 20th 2018
@SurvivorsnetBtn @RASASC_London @survivorstrust @Danvers07943910 @ObjectUK @BrightonSurvivorsNET “In the light of a highly disturbing increase of #transphobia locally & nationally…” IF everything anybody says or does is #transphobia, of course you can say it is rising. Any reputable statistics?
@SurvivorsnetBtn @RASASC_London @survivorstrust @Danvers07943910 @ObjectUK “…so the date @Womans_Place_UK event feels like a concerted effort to make #trans ppl, & particularly #transwomen, feel #intimidated and #invalidated” Is it the position of SN that the sensitivities of #transwomen mean that #democracy should be suspended any time they say so?
@SurvivorsnetBtn @RASASC_London @survivorstrust @Danvers07943910 @ObjectUK @Womans_Place_UK #Transwomen do face special challenges but they remain #bio #logical #males but it is fine for them #Gender express as ‘women’ but with the best will in the world, they remain #bio #logically #male @WomenEqualities @Commonswomequ @PennyMordaunt @MariaMillerUK @LesleySemmens
Read 51 tweets

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