We see Anakin build one, and we see the mass production of a droid army in Episode II... which scandalizes C-3PO because that's *not how it's done*.
And then there are restraining bolts.
But this is a lie. It's not created by all living things, it's created by a specific micro-organism. Obi-Wan's framing NECESSARILY excludes droids, but it's not even accurate.
The Jedi religion? It's bio-supremacist.
Not to mention... So, the telltale signs of Jedi potential? The reflexes, the mild precognition? They're notoriously rare in humans.
What if it's it's not about reclaiming materials? (At least, not only about that; solid metal might be scarce in Cloud City, I suppose.)
There are other scrapped droids there. What if it's a death camp for droids?