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Latest of #my500comicgoal: It Girl #1 (2012). $1 Bin Book. It Girl is bored and looking for adventure. She helps out a convict (Skunk) after a misunderstanding, but he's got more trouble to come! Dr. Flem uses It Girl as a Guinea Pig and sends her into the unknown. (101/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: The Manhattan Projects #14 (2013). $1 Bin Book. An alternate reality where the Manhattan Project was working on much, much more than bombs. Weird Story. Weird Art. Probably not advisable to start reading this series with issue #14. (102/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: The Manhattan Projects #15 (2013). $1 Bin Book. I thought reading another issue would help this story make more sense. No such luck. Interesting writing and interesting colors on the art, but I still have no idea what's going on. (103/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Captain America #18. #NCBD Cap and the Daughters of Liberty hunt for The Scourge while citizens riot! (not much else to say - this book was rather underwhelming☹️) (104/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Criminal #12. #NCBD Teeg. Jane. Leo. Farraday. "The Summer of '88" comes to a close in typical Brubaker style. Fantastic art from Sean Phillips and perfect color from Jacob Phillips. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️(105/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Dr. Strange: Surgeon Supreme #2. Stephen escaped his first run-in with The Wrecker, but will he survive a second one when another member of the Wrecking Crew (Thunderball) joins the fight? And just who gave them those magical weapons?!? (106/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Folklores #3. Ansel is the unwilling guest of Hansel & Gretel – and they desire to eat more than candy! Plus, are there answers about the Folklords at the banned book library? Also: what happened to Archer? Fun story w/ great art and color.(107/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Hawkeye: Freefall #2. Clint Barton is a bad public speaker & possibly the worst Avenger but wants to help stop drug abuse. Also, someone dressed as Clint's old persona, Ronin (are we SURE it's not actually Clint?) is stealing from Red Hood. (108/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Immortal Hulk #30. Dario Agger (the Roxxon CEO minotaur) has released FOUR giant monsters on Phoenix and Hulk & Friends will stop them - but are they unwittingly falling into a public relations trap set by Dario? (109/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Killadelphia #3. The city of Philadelphia is full of vampires which appear to be led by an undead former U.S. President. The question now is… how the hell do you stop them? Jason Shawn Alexander's artwork works really great with this story. (110/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Sex Criminals #26. Suze is having flashbacks or seeing the future… or maybe they are just dreams? She wonders if she's been traumatized - but if she is, what caused it? (111/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Something Is Killing The Children #5. Erica goes monster hunting, but Tommy gets in the way screwing things up which may cost James his life! And on top of all that, things may have just gotten even worse! (112/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Thor #2. Galactic must feed! But no matter how strong his appetite may be,Thor, the new herald of thunder, will not allow lives to be lost - which causes some tension. Plus: an old friend (or foe?) shows up! (113/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: X-Men #5. Wolverine can’t stop Serafina from reaching the vault. Who is Serafina? Who are The Children of the Vault? I have no idea, but Cyclops sends 3 mutants to infiltrate - but they might not be coming back out for a LONG time - if ever.(114/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: New Gods #1 (1971). Orion must travel to Apokolips to face the evil Darkseid (unaware he’s his father!) to keep him from the anti-life equation. Darkseid isn’t there, so he heads to Earth using Metron’s boom tube. The classic Jack Kirby epic! (115/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Ant-Man #1. Scott is so down on his luck, he's living in an ACTUAL ant-hill! But he's hired to investigate the local bee population – which leads to Swarm! But that's the least of his problems. This new title feels targeted at young readers. (116/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Crowded #11. Charlie and Vita find themselves guests of… are they hippies? A doomsday cult? Whatever they are, they've got a place to hide - but as their personal relationship becomes complicated, can they trust these strangers? (117/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Daredevil #17. How can Matt stop the richest family in the world? Stealing their $ didn't work and now an old foe may return. Also, violence is up as gangs vie for control in the absence of Kingpin. This might be Marvel's best book.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (118/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Harley Quinn #70. I don't usually read HQ, so I don't really know what is going on - I guess she's a pro wrestler now? Anyway, Harley has to fight her friend in a fixed contest and she doesn't like it. The real danger is after the bell. (119/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Lois Lane #8. Lois & Montoya are attacked by skull-faced female who escapes. Supes checks on wife & then leaves. Lois thinks finding her missing maid might shed light on things. Plus: something about a nun somewhere in England (?) Not clear. (120/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Martian Manhunter #12. FINAL ISSUE. Now that J'onn has come to grips with his past and his fears, it's time to use his newfound strength to defeat the bad guy! Artwork by Rossmo is unlike anyone else and fit this story well. (121/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Protector #1. In a primitive future, a Yanqui (Yankee?) slave girl awakens a tech demon(?) and a prophecy tells of the demon destroying the city of Shikka-Go (Chicago?). Lots of interesting world building, but no clear sense of direction yet. (122/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Red Sonja #13. The war is over and Sonja must deal with the consequences: the most urgent one is that her people are starving. To survive, she must reach out to others, but who can she trust? This is a really underrated book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️(123/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: New Gods #2. (1971). Now on earth, Darkseid, with help from his evil scientist Desaad, covers the city in a fear ray. Orion is immune to this ray so he destroys the beam and then plots with his new earth friends to defeat Darkseid's invasion! (124/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: New Gods #3. (1971). Injured mute war vet Willie Walker is chosen to wield the power of the Black Racer! ( like Silver Surfer, but travels space with skis) He ends up assisting Orion foil a bomb plot by the Apokolips-assisted Intergang! (125/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: New Gods #4. (1971). A god is dead! Seagrim is killed by Apokolips invaders but Orion can't find them - they have tech that hides their location! Orion creates the "O'Ryan gang" (not spelled Orion) to infiltrate Intergang & destroy the jammer.(126/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: New Gods #5. (1971). Orion escapes & defeats Slig of the Deep Six only to be confronted by an unimaginably large leviathan of the sea! His earth friends are attacked by Kalibak! Also a 4-page story about The Young Gods of Supertown w/ Fastbak.(127/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: New Gods #6. (1971). Orion rescues an earth family & his friend Lightray from the sea leviathan. They are attacked by the rest of the Deep Six, but with the help of a pacifist's sacrifice they manage to create a bomb to blow up the leviathan! (128/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: New Gods #7. (1972). The origin story is finally told! An epic pact is made that will secure a temporary peace: Darkseid trades his son (Orion) for the son of Highfather (Scott Free). A better example of a cosmic soap opera you will not find! (129/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: New Gods #8. (1971). Kalibak takes Dave Lincoln and Claudia Shane hostage to draw out Orion - who arrives with Lightray to battle while inspector Dan "Terrible" Turpin risks his life using the entire city's power grid to bring down Kalibak! (130/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: New Gods #9. (1971). Enter The Bug! Forager must find Orion to broker peace between bug people and New Genesis. Orion and Lightray are cornered by Turpin and the cops - and they want answers! (This book has Star Wars meets GOT vibes at times)(131/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: New Gods #10. (1971). Forager is arrested but fortunately, Orion is at the station just as Mantis' bug invasion begins! Lightray comes up with a plan to amplify a frequency from a nearby laboratory and forces the bugs to retreat. (132/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: New Gods #11. (1971). The final epic showdown: Half brothers, but full gods! Orion takes on Kalibak - but if Orion dies is that something Darkseid can live with? Why is Kalibak mysteriously more powerful? Who is the target of the Black Racer? (133/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: New Gods: "Even Gods Must Die". (1984). Kirby returns 13 years later to continue the saga. A very weird and disjointed story where all the villains are reborn and Orion is killed! (maybe) (134/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: New Gods: The Hunger Dogs (1985). Orion lives in hiding on Apokolips. Darkseid creates deadly tech called The Micro-Mark & plants bombs on New Genesis forcing citizens to flee on a floating city. Apokolips burns as poor Hunger Dogs revolt. (135/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Marvel Universe #3 (1998). A story of The Invaders from WWII - Whizzer goes undercover and allows himself to be captured so he can alert the gang of Hydra's base. Baron von Strucker tries to escape but is killed by a giant squid! (or is he?) (136/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: The New Mutants #97 (1991). $1 Bin Book. X-Tinction Agenda! Mutants fight the repulsive cyborg Cameron Hodge (who manages to escape). Storm restores the powers of many mutants including Rahne who is now stronger & wants revenge on Hodge!(137/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Ascender #9. "Mother" goes searching for the other Mothers, but is lead through a journey of her past by her former self and finds something (or someone) she most certainly did NOT expect. The watercolor art continues to be FANTASTIC. (138/500) #ncbd Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: The Batman's Grave. Batman meets Gordon at Arkham to interrogate a suspect and things go wrong. ( Suggestion: tear down Arkham Asylum and build a better, less corrupt mental health facility for the citizens of Gotham City.)(139/500) #ncbd Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Blackwood: The Mourning After #1. The college plans the funeral of Dean Blackwood and the students discuss what REALLY happened to Dennis while looking for the Book of Despair that the 2-headed chimp stole. (140/500) #ncbd Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: The Dollhouse Family. An unexpected visitor shows up after Alice and her daughter are in an accident – and she knows the Dollhouse is behind it. Alice is then tempted by an offer she can't accept, which leads to an even more horrifying result! (141/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Dragonfly & Dragonflyman. Earth Alpha: DFM can't throw a punch thanks to Devil Man's Temptation ray, but he trusts Stinger to do it for him! Earth Omega: The mistrust gets worse as Stinger breaks into DM's computer & learns a shocking secret! (142/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Dr. Strange: Surgeon Supreme #3. A 19-year old patient is rapidly aging because of a demon tattoo! Strange must travel into a realm controlled by the soul-stealing Stygmata! Is this event connected to the stolen magical artifacts?(143/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Hawkeye: Freefall. Clint Barton's plan to fight crime: have 2 different hero identities, use a stolen time travel gizmo, get help from a 19-year old hacker stranger & a SHIELD LMD. Is this a good plan? Knowing Clint Barton, probably not. (144/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Immortal Hulk #31. Agger realizes he can't beat an immortal hulk that has the public on his side with brute force - so he tries a new tactic: Xemnu! This title continues to be weird, horrifying & fascinating with deep pulls from hulk history. (145/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Thor #3. Thor is confronted by an old acquaintance, Beta Ray Bill! They have differing opinions about helping Galactus which leads to a big fight - and another Asgardian arrives to enter the fray. (146/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: X-Men #6. Mystique was asked to sacrifice herself once for the mutant cause, and is now asked to do still more. However, Charles and Magneto won't give her the only thing that she wants - and this could lead to serious problems.(147/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: John Byrne's Next Men #1 (1992). $1 bin book. They've escaped from the lab & Tony has been shot. Car is stopped by security, but local cops arrive with questions - just as the lab explodes! Can they trust the cops - or Tony? Where has Danny gone? Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: John Byrne's Next Men #2 (1992). $1 bin book. Tony survives. The group is being questioned by the police, but 3 manage to escape and look for help. Danny is being helped by a local man, but realizes since leaving the lab, they are changing… (149/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: John Byrne's Next Men #3 (1992). $1 bin book. Bethany is attacked by a gang & she must kill to escape. Jack wakes & kills a hospital staffer. Danny's "friend" may be working with Sen. Hilltop. And the Vice President of the US is blown up!(150/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: John Byrne's Next Men #4 (1992). $1 bin book. Jazz & Beth fall in a pit and uncover a secret - and find someone they know! Tony & Nathan find Danny and question Willis. After VP's death, Sen. Hilltop is promoted - just as Sathanas predicted! (151/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: John Byrne's Next Men #5 (1992). $1 bin book. A flashback shows others "reaching": a state of "death" for Next Men. Their old friend David has been deformed - (mind & body) and he blows up the cops. Next Men escape with Willis.(152/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: John Byrne's Next Men #6 (1992). $1 bin book. Backstory issue about finding Sathanas, and Senator Hilltop's racist super-soldier breeding and mind-control program that is predicted to lead to him becoming President of the United States! (153/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: John Byrne's Next Men #7 (1992). $1 bin book. Willis has had time to assess the team's powers (and weaknesses), and they've chosen code names! Something is happening in Russia and a call goes out to VP Hilltop - what are they planning? (154/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Nightcrawler #2 (2014). $1 bin book. Kurt is back from the dead and with Amanda Sefton and the Bamfs help, he needs to find his adoptive mother Margali and warn her of an attack by Trimega - but he ends up unwittingly leading him right to her! (155/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Prez (2015). $1 bin book. A fantastic political satire where the poor humiliate & injure themselves on game shows for survival money, voting for president is done on Twitter, & a viral meme teen called "Corn Dog Girl" is polling in the top 3. (156/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Prez #2 (2015). $1 bin book. States start switching their votes trying to get extra perks & handouts, but they outstmart themselves and "Corn Dog Girl" wins! A president who doesn't owe favors or fear humiliation? How will they control her? (157/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Prez #3 (2015). $1 bin book. Beth "Corn Dog" Ross assembles her cabinet of people who actually know what they are doing, and is sworn in. The rich establishment (like Pharmaduke and Boss Smiley) does NOT like this and try to assassinate Ross. (156/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Satellite Sam #1 (2013). $1 bin book. The LeMonde TV network is doing a live TV show in the 50s - but their star hasn't shown up yet! Turns out, he's dead - and appears to have been involved in some secret sleazy stuff. B&W. Fraction/Chaykin. (159/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Jack Kirby's Secret City Saga #0 (1993). $1 bin book. 2 stories: One is the story of the Secret City's destruction & the residents who go into hibernation for 150 centuries! Other story is about people sent to collect souls for the devil. (160/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Bang! #1. Thomas Cord is a super spy working for MI-X to help defeat Goldmaze. So how can a 30-year old man remember fighting the same evil org for more than 40 years? It's written by Matt Kindt, so there's more than meets the eye. #ncbd (161/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: On The Stump #1. In this world, bills aren't passed by whipping up votes - they're passed by whipping someone's ass! Senator Jack Hammer is old and washed-up, but he wouldn't throw a fight and now Senator Thunder Bearer wants him dead. #ncbd (162/500) Image
Latest of #my500comicgoal: Wonder Twins #12. Last issue. Cellphone Sylvia tries to get revenge by hiring Ringmaster & Luthor's prison supervisor! A really fun series from @Manruss & @StephenByrne86. I hope it returns soon – w/ Scrambler, Drunkula, Repulso & more! #ncbd (162/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Daredevil #18. The Owl has kidnapped mob boss Belle Libris' granddaughter and the cops aren't going to sit idle any longer. A war is brewing in Hell's Kitchen and the Stromwyn twins let Kingpin know it's going to get rough. (164/500) #ncbd Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #7. Jimmy is dead (not really), & 4 new Jimmys show up to replace him - is his fan club behind this? What is a Porcadillo? Is Calvin City really as boring as it seems? Does Jimmy remember that time in Gorilla City? (165/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Middlewest #15. The weather gets angrier and Maggie, Fox and the others need help crossing the river. Meanwhile, Abel and the kids plan an elaborate escape from Raider Farms. Beautiful colors in this issue. (166/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Skulldigger + Skeleton Boy #3. Grimjim is back for more even after fighting Crimson Fist for more than 20 years. Skulldigger (& Skeleton Boy!) stands in Grimjim's way, but is there a more personal reason for his hatred of him? (167/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Family Tree #4. While the doctor assesses Meg's health, Jud tries to prepare the family for the road ahead: He wants Josh to be prepared for danger and for Loretta to understand what happened to Darcy – and why people want to take Meg away. (168/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Undiscovered Country #4. Taken prisoner by The Destiny Man & double-crossed by Daniel (?) who is given the key to the gate. Valentina asks the question, "Why were we chosen?" and has some interesting ideas why. (169/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Joker: Killer Smile. MORE from Jeff Lemire (that's 3 books just this week!). Joker does it again - he makes yet another doctor go crazy, but stops before he kills someone important - because of love? (I don't know what this all meant) 🤷‍♂️ (170/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Superman Smashes the Klan #3. A really heartwarming story of Superman's earliest days as he helps an immigrant family while taking on the Klan. Good for all ages without feeling childish. Great expressive art. HIGHLY RECOMMEND. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️(170/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Stray Bullets #41 (2014). 9 years later, the final issue of the original run is printed. A deadly and violent outcome is almost guaranteed when you mix drug trafficking, the mob, and dangerous & desperate people. (172/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Street Poet Ray (1989). $1 bin book. Wow - what do I say about this? It's as close as a comic can come to outsider art - crudely drawn 4-panel "poems" about crime, politics, etc. Some are mildly amusing. Later, Marvel gave this guy a book! (173/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Suiciders: Kings of HELL.A. (2016). $1 bin book. Story of survivors living in a post-big-earthquake L.A. The gangs fight with corporate police and an aging violent sports gladiator tries to put his life back together. Cool Bermejo cover. (174/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Superman & Wonder Woman - Radio Shack promo (1982). $1 bin book. Lex Luthor wants revenge on the World's Fair, but Superman will stop him w/ help from Wonder Woman (who's a glorified computer salesperson in this book) & technology savvy kids. (175/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Super Soldier Man of War #1 (1997). $1 bin book. The late 90s were a desperate time for comics - so DC & Marvel joined forces to make mash-up character books. Super Soldier & Sgt. Rock's Howlin' Commandos take on Baron Zemo and Lex Luthor! (175/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Swamp Thing #63 (1987). $1 bin book. Classic Alan Moore. DDI thought they killed Swamp Thing – but they didn't – and now he's out for revenge! Abby contemplates life & death before she & Chester go to the swamp & discover Ol' Greeny is alive. (177/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: The Thing #1 (1983). $1 bin book. Ben Grimm returns to Yancy Street and tells the street gang kids the story of his rough childhood (alcoholic father, death of his brother) and how his Uncle helped him escape gang life and become a hero. (178/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Tom Strong #1 (1999). $1 bin book. Alan Moore's story of a child raised with an intensive education by scientist parents (& robot butler) on the island of Attabar Teru in a high-gravity chamber inside a (mostly) inactive volcano. Fun story. (179/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Tom Strong's Terrific Tales #1 (2002). $1 bin book. 4 short stories: 1. Tom hunts Nazis & finds a fear-eating alien. 2. A 4-page story w/ art from Jaime Hernandez. 3. Story of young Tom 4. Jonni Future inherits a house from her weird uncle. (180/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Tom Strong's Terrific Tales #1 (2002). $1 bin book. 3 more tales: 1. Tom & Svetlana X investigate old soviet space station. 2. Jonni lures attacking swarm to burn up in bright light. 3. Young Tom succeeds in test of manhood w/ novel solution. (181/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Uncanny Avengers #1 (2015). $1 bin book. To show that there can be unity, Steve Rogers forms group consisting of mutants (Rogue), inhumans (Synapse) and others (Deadpool, Human Torch, Quicksilver, Brother Voodoo). Cool cover from Geoff Darrow. (182/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Vigilante #28 (1985). $1 bin book. Judge Allan Welles (current Vigilante) was killed by fellow Judge Adrian Chase (former Vigilante) & framed the Electrocutioner for the killing. And now there's ANOTHER person dressing as Vigilante! (183/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: The Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1986). $1 bin book. Peter Parker travels to NJ to take pics of Vizh & Wanda (they need the money) and are attacked by The Terrible Toad King! He's in love w/ Wanda until he sees she's big & pregnant (yuck!) (184/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Weird Suspense #1 (1975). $1 bin book. Escaped criminals look to hide in secluded house - unaware that they've entered the home of Count Lycosa - THE TARANTULA! He must feed on human prey after being cursed by the tarantula priestess! (185/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Winter Soldier #1 (2012). $1 bin book. Bucky & Natasha are trying to stop whoever is waking up new Winter Soldier sleeper agents - and they haven't been very successful. It looks like the Red Ghost & Madame Lucia Von Bardas are responsible. (186/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1 (2014). $1 bin book. Agents Fury & Shen must grab 2 Nazi scientists before Hydra is able to unlock the alchemy formula. They manage to escape with the prisoners, but they encounter: The Winter Soldier! (187/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Wonder Woman #16 (2013). $1 bin book. Wonder Woman & Orion ask Milan to use his gifts to look for Zola's baby. Zola and Hera have a night out and run into Ares. "First Born" fights ice creatures.(188/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: X-Men Classic #74 (1992). $1 bin book. Cyclops falls in love with Madelyne & tells her he's a mutant. Callisto of the Morlocks captures the X-Men & wants a forced wedding with Angel. Storm fights Callisto to the death & wins their freedom. (189/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: X-Men Classic #76 (1992). $1 bin book. X-Men travel to Tokyo and visit Logan and his GF Mariko. The team drinks poisoned tea served by Viper in disguise! Storm (not poisoned) helps Yukio (disguised as Mariko) fight off Viper and Silver Samurai.(190/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Captain America #19. Steve Rogers learns the truth – Peggy Carter is alive! Agatha Harkness takes him on a trip through time and explains things to him. This leads to a realization - an old rather bony-looking foe may be returning! (191/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Falcon & Winter Soldier #1. Someone tries to kill Bucky and Falcon is looking for a missing friend - which leads them both to the same place trying to find answers and they instead find… a deadly young teen. (192/500) #ncbd Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Fantastic Four: Grimm Noir One-Shot. Ben Grimm is having terrible, frightening nightmares. And now, one of his neighbors has disappeared. Are these things related? Who's behind it? Some good creepy images help a pretty simple story. (193/500) #ncbd Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Finger Guns #1. Took a shot on new Vault title based on premise (Kids have powers when they shoot their "finger guns") but no explanation of how they got their powers (explained in future issues?). Nice clean artwork & cool cover design.(194/500) #ncbd Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Folklords #4. Ansel learns about his giant travel companion and her life growing up. They reach the Branch Library of Banned Books and get some help from an unexpected source - but what will they find inside?(195/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Killadelphia #4. Former president (and current vampire) John Adams begins his attack on Philadelphia! J.J. and Jose wait for daylight and work on a strategy, while his undead father needs blood and searches with Tevin. (196/500) #ncbd Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Punisher: Soviet #4. Frank and Valery take Pronchenko's wife hostage, but she ends up being more than meets the eye. She calmly tells them her story - but her calmness can only mean trouble.(197/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Sex Criminals #27. Jon and Suzie may have figured out something important about Kuber Badal. Dr. Kincaid and Myrtle may have figured out something important BUT DIFFERENT about Kuber Badal. What are they going to do? (198/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Swamp Thing Giant #3. 5 stories of Swamp Thing, including new story from Mark Russell: Sunderland Corporation tries to find Swamp Thing - but now so do looky-loo tourists eager to catch a glimpse, but don't really care about the swamp. (198/500) Image
@Manruss @StephenByrne86 Latest of #my500comicgoal: Wolverine #1. Mutant drug shiploads are being stolen. Someone who can control minds might be involved, and made Logan do something terrible? Also: Omega Red comes to Krakoa - can he be trusted? Should they be worried about French Vampires? (200/500) Image
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1) Follow Thread Reader App on Twitter so you can easily mention us!

2) Go to a Twitter thread (series of Tweets by the same owner) and mention us with a keyword "unroll" @threadreaderapp unroll

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