2 legal personality is irrelevant to the conditions
3 'additional to' means that EU citizenship is founded on nationality of a Member State, not separate from it ->
4 Use of Art 9 TEU is circular; issue is whether UK citizens retain EU citizenship in the first place. Application of Art 50 is compatible with EU law
- Rottman etc confirms that EU citizenship is only for nationals of Member States - otherwise why does CJEU require review of loss of the the latter in this context?
7 Art 50 necessarily provides for no EU citizenship any more, no need to refer to Art 20
9 The argument about some rights being kept/but some are lost is incoherent
10 VCLT is irrelevant to jurisdiction. So is Art 174 WA which applies to the parties only. Jurisdiction comes from ordinary EU law in EU; ditto in UK during transition >
12 Polling/EP resolution not a legal argument
13 Health and safety risk with the non-reciprocity argument - judges might die laughing. Really, what an argument