In the beginning there was #VendorsOverVoters
"Whether Vendor A, B, or C...we choose THEM over VOTERS." says Barry, former chair of the SAFE comm &
Hard Core @QRbarcodeVoting machine creator
@GovKemp @GaSecofState @flemingbarrya
Experts like @rad_atl @rjomartin @philipbstark @jhalderm @umbernhard @OSET @VerifiedVoting @T_S_P_O_O_K_Y Recommend #HandMarkedPaperBallots and that voters should declare their #SoftwareIndependence
#LynnBailey is asking some tough questions to @flemingbarrya @GovKemp @GaSecofState #SecureTheVoteGa @NASSorg & #TrustedInfo2020
The ATL media is listening: @markniesse @GAPressAssoc @atlpressclub @politicalinsidr
@securethevotega #TrustedInfo2020 @NASSorg #SecureTheVoteGa Please explain why #HandMarkedPaperBallots are so difficult to read & verify. @GaSecofState is betting Ga voters will 'Cypher' a #QRbarcodeVoting system easier?!?
@GaSecofState is telling GA Voters that their vote being in a #QRbarCode (that they can't read/verify) is much better
than one or two stray marks on a HMPB? #BS #XTrustFaith @SecureTheVoteGa #TrustedInfo2020 @NASSorg
the #QRbarcode IS

@GovKemp & @GaSecofState are playing a #ShellGameVoting scam on the PPL of Ga. They're diverting your attention away from your REAL vote. The #QRbarCode. WHY? Ga voters need to know. @markniesse @jennycohn1 @bluestein @ribunchreports