Dems are trying to say Trump wants to cut Medicare. There are no cuts to the beneficiaries just to the administration side.
Sen Stabenow. Making a political talking point about Medicare🙄🙄🙄
It's like night and day. One sane party and the other insane political hacks. If more people watched these they wouldn't vote D
A: yes. Working with Congess to pass bi partisanship bill.
This is not price control. It targets the incentives that drive price increase.
Sen. Grassley says it takes subsidy away
A: Pres will not sign a law that replaced Obamacare without it protecting preexisting conditions.
A: the mandate is unconstitutional and thus the entire think is.
Sen menendz launchs a political speech on Obamacare why are we waiting for courts ..🙄🙄🙄