It all gores back to ontogeny,
Likewise, Red Sonya has had a tough, Hyborean age
If this gets into close quarters, Red Sonya wins.
However, Tauriel is a superb shot, a master of the bow. And let's not forget that her arrows are made by elves, thus potentially
One thing that must be considered here is martial arts. Tauriel no doubt has some H2H combat training (some fighting soldiers in the ancient world did, such as the Spartans. Indeed, most if not
Once again, in close quarters, Red Sonya
But what at long range?
Could Tauriel pick her off at a distance?
Yes, though she'd have to hit her target fist, and one thing about Red Sonya...she had peak human speed.
Its difficult to know how fast someone at peak human physicality could run, but there is
Usain Bolt, one of the fastest people of modern times, could run at 27 miles per hour. He pulled this off by running on a flat track with spiked shoes. However, some prehistoric Australian Aboriginal men could have gone even faster than that, as seen
However, neither of these
We're talking about potentially around 40 miles per hour.
As some horses.
And keep in mind, Red Sonya's much smaller than a horse, thus makes for a harder target, so Tauriel will have a harder time putting an arrow through her if she
I could see this battle starting with Tauriel firing her arrows. Red Sonya would jump or duck out of the way, try to use cover to sneak up on Tauriel.