- clickbait lede
- wrong science
- author w/o domain expertise
- bad faith request for comment
- outrage at assuming bad faith
- article that proves assumption of bad faith right!
See for yourself: archive.is/EPGK6

fecal transmission "still unclear"
- Related SARS virus spread through feces at Amoy Gardens
- Infected 300+ people, 42 deaths
- #SARSCoV2 has been discovered in feces
- Patients have diarrhea
- Multiple scientists now implicate fecal transmission

Implies #covid2019 only "scary" to "public" because "new"
- NEJM, Lancet papers on sheer severity
- Caijing’s courageous reporting on severity
- Math of tail risk for a pandemic
- Fact that many qualified PhDs/MDs, both in SV & outside, have voiced concern

Also does not discuss:
- tech the Chinese are using to fight virus
- hardware implications of supply chain disruption
- what biotech is doing: antivirals, vaccines, diagnostics
This obvious omission was *also* predicted in advance!
The sad truth is they are incentivized to produce clickbait. This is partly tech's fault too: social media created these incentives.
More later, but for now:
- Take virus seriously, WHO/CDC are
- Don’t take unserious journalists seriously
- And avoid handshakes!
Twitter didn't have space to link these inline, but I compiled all the references in this thread into a Medium post.
Here it is!
I'm not big on credentialism. Need multidisciplinary effort vs virus. But since some deem it relevant, my bio:
- Taught bioinformatics at Stanford
- Papers in clinical/microbial genomics
- MIT TR35
- Cofounder/CTO of biotech co sold for $375M