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1) Good Morning, Friends! Today, we'll be bopping around a bit. Really, just some thoughts on what's been taking place, a bit of random analysis and some updates. We begin with a small conversation about the Q phenomenon, with great respect to all my Q following fellows.
2) I have to wonder, how many Q followers have read or are familiar with the extraordinary Dune series by Frank Herbert, called. Assuming you might not be, here's a small run down of the pertinent elements. We begin with the fact that we're 10,000 years in the future.
3) It's a spectacular science fiction series that rolls forward from that starting point. In this future, a religious cult called the Bene Gesserit have succeeded in cementing their power over the many worlds and solar systems where the human species has taken root.
4) Like the historical Jesuits, the Bene Gesserit - you can hear their roots in their name - have programs that last over centuries and millennia. Interestingly, though, they are a sisterhood, perhaps the ultimate matriarchy you might imagine.
5) Among their ranks there is a core that holds greatest power both within and without their sisterhood, who are called the Missionaria Protectiva. This elite is given all resources for their millennial mission. Their purpose, ultimately, is something I'll leave to the books.
6) It is their methods that are of today's interest. Having mastered the understanding of the religious instinct within humans, the Missionaria Protectiva - those who protect the mission - have mastered the ultimate art of propaganda. It is based on true belief.
7) What they do is plant prophesies within the populations of the various planets where they work their purpose, building faith in a future outcome. Then, they work with all they are to ensure that that future outcome occurs. I don't know that they'd have used the term The Plan.
8) But there can be no question that the power of that term, The Plan, would fit perfectly within the extraordinary power they wielded. I know you can see where I'm going. So, as always, to not be coy, I am perennially skeptical of these methods as employed today, now, real time.
9) Skepticism stated, I bow to the reality of such forces. Belief is a force. Who can tell which is chicken and which is egg? Does the belief create the reality, or did the reality create the belief? In the end, no matter. We already have both chickens and their delicious eggs.
10) So why the meditation on an arguably silly science fiction plot? Well, here's something I've noticed among my Q supporting friends. They're happy. They're positive. They believe that good things will occur. You know what? That's pretty damned hard to disapprove.
11) We skeptics need proof, and not the kind that Q proffers. Future proves past, is it? Except when it doesn't? My friends, that is pure sophistry and not real proof, okay? I know, I know, you believe it works. For us skeptics, it doesn't. You won't like my next post...
12) One of the most basic scams of all time is to send 500 letters (or today, emails) with predictions on the coming baseball game's winner. 250 for one team, 250 for the other. After the game, another letter goes out predicting the next winner, but only to 250 people this time.
13) In round 2, the 250 letters again predict the winner to 125 people each, for each team playing. As I recall, if you work out the math, by the fifth prediction, halving your numbers each time, virtually 100% of your targets can't help but believe.
14) That's the moment to close out your scam. You simply ask all of those for whatever sum you've decided will be sufficient to cover your costs and land a tidy profit, in order to receive the next prediction. We humans, we're born with a vulnerability to scams.
15) Yet, again, there is a mystery factor that even the greatest scam artists can't control. Truth moves around and around and no one can quite nail it down. Who can say how those who got the winning predictions fared. Did they bet each time? If so, wow, how much did they win?
16) Many will call that mystery factor God's will. The scammer's defense might be that any time a target loses, they're out, and their losses are limited. But, for those who win, they win BIG, and beyond their other possible winnings. Who determines such outcomes?
17) Turning to today, actually, I have almost zero doubt that @realDonaldTrump has direct access to Q and employs it as part of his arsenal of instruments of power. In a way, I see him as the individual incarnation of the Missionaria Protectiva. I'm sure he's all in.
@realDonaldTrump 18) Hey, I'll tell you sincerely, if I knew who the Q people were, and if they asked me to participate, I'd do it in a heartbeat, and with great joy. Perhaps my moral compass has a falter in it somewhere, but I'd be happy. In strategy, tactics are the servant of the mission.
@realDonaldTrump 19) Here's the problem the Q people would have. I'd demand the right to explain how it all works, and would only participate on the condition that I be allowed to out any genie I was stuffing into their bottle, and that, of course, would break the method.
@realDonaldTrump 20) No one from Q has called me, yet. The phone lingers silent. Alas. Yet still, I am their fan anyway. Not a follower. Certainly not a believer. But absolutely a fan. And most of all what I support is all the Q followers. I always say, I don't know that I'm right anyway.
@realDonaldTrump 21) And here I offer a small problem for my Q friends to contemplate. Jeff Sessions. How in tarnation can you still hold he was part of The Plan? If you do, honor and respect. But, to me, he was at minimum a weak player from day one, and at worst, completely bent, crooked.
@realDonaldTrump 22) And that brings us up to speed. I'm not seeing Barr as a good guy, guys. I'm not. Yet, I do see him as smart, and I appreciate that. I see that he is politically astute, and knows how to ride the line, and ride it well. So, I tip my hat. And I love how you have faith in him.
@realDonaldTrump 23) So let's talk about our hero, @GenFlynn. We've got this new guy who's supposed to ride in and save the day, finally. If he does, that'll be something I'll have to nod to you over. I hope you're right, but here comes a skeptic's response. What will you do if...
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 24) What will you do if he ends up supporting Horowitz's conclusion that there was no foul play, and the court should Manafort Flynn. Yes, the name Manafort is now a verb. Judge Berman Jackson is slowly executing Manafort by solitary confinement. Barr is allowing that.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 25) On that note, what will The Plan have to say about Manafort's death when we finally hear it reported? Again, if Barr were to save Manafort, or Trump to commute his sentence, then perhaps that would be part of The Plan. And again, if I see that happen, I'll tip my hat to you.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 26) But, if we see this new guy, Jensen, if we see him support Judge Sullivan's corrupt decisions - he is refusing to allow exculpatory evidence even now, and explained his furious decision in a 92-page statement - what then? And what if Sullivan pulls a Berman Jackson?
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 27) I don't know the full reach of Sullivan's power. I don't believe he's limited to any guidelines which are, I believe, only that, guidelines. What will The Plan have to say if we see Gen Flynn in solitary confinement just like Manafort? Please, work with me here.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 28) I am NOT making a prediction. I do NOT have that ability. I work in scenarios, and often, sadly, they have to be worst case scenarios. I have no idea, yet, if Jensen is a good guy brought in to save Flynn, or a bad guy brought in to save The Swamp. I don't know.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 29) My analysis so far, though, is not anywhere near so happy as Q's Plan. So, as always, I say again, I hope you're right. But now, I realize I have to extend my scenario further. You won't like this, at all.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 30) I'm clearly on record with my phenomenal respect for Mitch McConnell. His strategy and tactics are almost at Trump's level, and absolutely were necessary for Trump's election. But let's look at his extraordinary failures. There are two in particular.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 31) We know beyond that shadow of a doubt - these are facts now - that Evil McCain put forward the Steele Dossier, and that he gave that famous, vile thumb's down on the Repeal and Replace Obamacare vote. Now how is it that so capable a leader allowed those things to occur?
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 32) I'm to believe that McConnell was surprised by the outcome of the vote? I'm to believe that McConnell had no knowledge of the Dossier floating around? He had no knowledge of the Intel Communities complicity with DOJ, FBI & FISA over the Dossier? Ignorance, eh?
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 33) The problem in both cases is this. It requires me to judge McConnell incompetent at best, and malfeasant at worst. How do we possibly make the case that the most powerful Senator in our lifetimes was oblivious and incompetent? It reeks. And consider this...
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 34) If there was a single reason we lost the House in 2018, it was that suburban mom's decided Trump, and the MAGA Movement, did not care about their children's and families' healthcare. This following a single vote defeat of Trump's healthcare plan, by...a Republican. It reeks.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 35) We have absolutely established, by now, that Paul Ryan over the House was a bad guy. Need any proof? Consider his running mate Romney. Consider Romney's solitary vote to convict Trump. Again, do you think McConnell didn't know in advance?
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 36) Ryan and Romney are simply evil twins. So, we've got that now, right? So back to Mitch. And now we get really down and dirty, literally. Votes are power, and nowhere nearly so much so as in the Senate. And what do we do with power? Obviously, we put it in play for value.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 37) This is no new phenomenon. Our very first congress, in what, 1790?, yes?, saw the corruption of Senators instantly. When voting on tariffs, those paid the most for the lowest tariffs on - yes - BRITISH imports were able to receive what is euphemistically called COURTESY.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 38) It was understood by those who understand that this was unavoidable and we must simply, politely look the other way. It can't be stopped, the unspoken policy clearly establishes. The most virtue could be expected was make it a little discreet.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 39) Skeptically, I can absolutely guarantee you that Romney has a price, McConnell knows what it is, and could, at will, have paid that price in a way none of us would have ever known. McConnell has complete discretion over his power.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 40) Alas, here I am at 40 posts so far, and not one word about China. There's good and bad news there, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. We've finally arrived at the worst part of my worst case scenario. Better finish up.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 41) As I understand it, the WH was given notice of Barr's interview with ABC only AFTER it had been taped and was green lit for release. If that is correct, then the theory of Trump's strategic approval is, well, weakened. It still may have happened, but obviously, I'm skeptical.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 42) I have seen multiple reports that Trump was furious both about it, and about the McCabe fiasco the following day. Sure, Trump could be acting, but my theory there always starts out with Trump telling and behaving truthfully. That too can be easily attacked, I know.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 43) Q Theory always employs the Sun Tzu dictum that warfare is based on deception and that misinformation is required. I won't linger on the convenience of that, but simply acknowledge it could be correct. I don't believe it for a moment, and here's why.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 44) We, We The People, we are Trump's friends and he is NOT at war with us. His entire message is premised on promises made and kept, and straight-talking honesty with us, his friends. He stands for us. He is our voice. I cannot accept any theory premised on his lying to us.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 45) So, my theory is, he's pissed, and I mean really, really, spitting mad, fighting ready pissed. Might I add furiously angry? I see Wrath of God anger in Trump, and over exactly what happened last week. That's what my theory calls for.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 46) So, in my theory, Barr is nothing other that a far more dangerous, far more competent, far more intelligent - far less a dupe - Sessions 2.0 (although I'm not sure that Sessions isn't so stupid he's smart). My theory is that Barr has played the game almost to perfection.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 47) Phew. That brings us finally here for today. After the ABC interview, who do we see on Bret Baier's show other than the ever impressive Mitch McConnell parsing his way through the interview perfectly. And what does he do? Does he claim neutrality? Hell no. Ponder that.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 48) Ponder the words NOT spoken. 'Ha, that's a great question Bret, but obviously, I can't and won't comment on it." One's fifth amendment right even applies to media interviews. One always retains the right to remain silent. Always. To speak is to decide to speak.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 49) But no, no such thing occurred. Rather, McConnell stood 100% behind Barr and most especially AGAINST Trump's tweets. What is this? This is the Senate leader attacking Trump's greatest power. And how? In support of the AG, feel it now, AGAINST Trump.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 50) In the ultimate worst case, this really is Coup 2.0 where the coup is empowered by its learning from the failure of Coup 1.0. In Coup 1.0, the Senate's role was behind the scenes while DOJ, FBI & FISA took the lead in public, along, of course, with Mueller.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 51) What could - again in worst case hypothesis - be playing out in real time right now might be the Senate leader joining forces with the DOJ against the administration. We have no guarantee that a second impeachment would fail to attain conviction in the Senate.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 52) But, were I advising the evil team, I wouldn't counsel a second impeachment. I'd counse full support for the Democrats against Trump for whomever the Democrats put forward for November. The strategy wouldn't be to be quite so overt, but to continually weaken Trump.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 53) I'd advise them to learn from their failures, and that frontal attacks will not work. But, if the right attacks are properly supported, then we can gain a second 2018-style victory. That is, we can eke it out through subtlety, what we could not win through brute force.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 54) Here's a last element of this for the moment. I'd absolutely support their strategy to persuade everyone that there is no middle left, no swing voters. How does this fit in? It is absolutely the reality that there ARE swing voters that will determine 2020's outcome.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 55) They know that they can't win by the foolhardy attempt to weaken Trump's base of support. But, there is a middle, and that is precisely where the fight will be fought most bitterly. So, make sure that Trump's supporters lose faith in Trump, and fail to win over the middle.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 56) Whoa? Did you notice what I did there? I didn't say fool Trump. I said, fool Trump's supporters. It is my own actual premise that Trump cannot and will not win this election on his own. Have to ponder that as we wind down, just a bit.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 57) It's an obvious over simplification to say that Trump won his 2016 on his own, but still a defensible case. If we allow that, we can still be close to 100% certain he CANNOT win 2020 on his own. Again, we but need 2018 as our scenario basis. Suburban moms go for someone else.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 58) We may simplify back to the swinging middle. If we allow the swinging middle to turn against Trump, he will not win. And in this worst case, it would be the DOJ and Mitch's Senate who gives that middle all the fodder they need to support the Democrat. That would be my advice.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 59) Returning now to my actual position in this moment. Please try to feel the visceral fear of a Republican Senate joining the DOJ in mounting a subtle coup. And that, my friends, is what I heard in my fearful heart on Thursday, listing to Mitch supporting Barr against POTUS.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn 60) Okay Q friends, if you don't hate me by now, please and by all means, sound off and tell me where I'm wrong. Or, anyone else, too! I NEVER want my worst case scenarios to be right. I just always fear that they may be, and that they may not be worst enough.
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn Thanks for the great conversations, all! 11:00 EST and it has to be Scopes out for now...
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