To begin with, you need to know that AT LEAST 50% of 🌏 languages are currently facing elimination.
We don’t usually talk about this as a political problem, but we need to.
But popular discourse & much academic work remains unchanged.
So let’s look at why this approach is problematic, and more importantly, how we can change it.
1⃣ Focusing on language erases people & the harm they suffer
2⃣ it avoids identifying WHO caused the harm &
3⃣ it doesn’t provide a way to end it.
Languages & diversity DECLINE.
Languages VANISH & are LOST or FORGOTTEN.
Speakers DIMINISH & DWINDLE & are even DEPLETED.
Things happen but nobody does anything. (Except when they save languages)
Nobody gets hurt.
(👂@vocalfries for more on linguistic discrimination)

We must work to bring this very real suffering into view if we want to end it.

language oppression
language elimination
language erasure
language emancipation
linguistic justice
We need to talk about social & political groups DOING THINGS to each other (& for themselves).

First rule: protect the vulnerable.
But otherwise…
🎯Center people🧑🤝🧑
👀 See their suffering 😢
🤔Ask who is causing it? 🤔
🛑 Stop them 🛑
But if depoliticized language prevents us from even getting to that point, then that’s a problem.
On the personal level, we can follow @ChickashaJenny in seeing efforts to nurture languages as ‘decolonial acts of breath-taking resistance’ that work against eliminatory violence.

As @nelsonlflores points out, language activism needs to seek material redistribution (substantive, not just symbolic, change)
We also need to critique domination & seek justice. Praise without critique is 'conformist resistance’—e.g. every event in 2019’s Int’l Year of Indigenous Languages (h/t @RokhlK) doi.org/10.1177/004208…

but less 4 🇨🇳🇮🇳🇷🇺🇳🇬
This needs to change.

Let’s interrupt & correct depoliticized speech & make politicized language our mother tongue in preparation 4 the upcoming Int’l decade of Indigenous languages (2022–32)
[quote from Linguistic Disobedience] /fin/