I am breaking down a Holocaust guide for work and it has my social studies brain spinning in a hundred directions. There are so many relevant lessons for 2020 America.
I am pointing out that the voices from these stories are crying out to be heard, and for us to remember HOW the Holocaust happened. It is a warning.
“Many of these things we could live with. It is only unpleasant.” Bert Gosschalk on life in a Dutch ghetto under Nazi rule.
According to Peter Becker
1) a strong press
2) eternal vigilance
3) openness and popular participation
4) political activism
5) contributing to society
“It was something already taken for granted that the Jews were to blame for everything. We just never heard anything else.”
Consider how a Nazi education, where “our knowledge of what had gone on in the past was very limited” and “we were carefully kept from having a broad picture of history” would affect having “never heard anything else.”
“We just never heard anything else” as a defense for murder.
The result?
A quest for understanding HOW this could happen, and how people ALLOWED it to happen.
“Many of these things we could live with. It is only unpleasant”
No we can’t. No it isn’t.