Armand, my friend, I worked in hospital & hospice. I heard quite a few near-death experience stories. Two happened in an irrefutable way, when my patients accurately told what was happening very far from where their bodies were coding. They all say religion is wrong.
There are 4,200 religions. NONE has all the answers. All have some answers. My patients told me that all there is is Love. There isn't judgment or anger. There isn't a "right" religion. Just love.
No heaven/hell dichotomy. No "devil." Just love. They tell us that our consciousness survives and we are all connected. All of us with each other. And that out of these bodies, we are energy; we are love.
I'm a very hard science sort of person. But my patient, coding on the 3rd floor in surgery, saw me spilling soup on the 1st floor. She teased me for it whilst in recovery. There was another similar event with a patient.
They have quite a perspective. They tell us we live in these brains wilst our bodies live and when these bodies die, we join everyone else in a place or dimension or... whatever you wish to call it, that some call "heaven."
They say it's just home. That there is no heaven as a reward for being in the right religion or being the right kind of person. They tell us that it doesn't matter who we are or how we live - we exist out of these bodies together in Love.
This isn't about religion. Typically, these people leave their religions when this happens. Or they stay, but with an altered understanding. And most interesting to me, they tend to have significant alterations of personality afterward.
These alterations cannot be explained by any brain event I know of. They cannot be explained by low oxygen in the brain, just as seeing me spilling soup on a different hospital floor cannot be. In my hard-science-saturated brain, I have to accept what evidence tells me.
So, my dear. I don't know how long you and I will reside in this clay. But I DO know that I love you. That you are my son, my father, my brother... that you and I are irreversibly connected by that thing my patients told me we are here to learn... LOVE.
And LOVE is something you have mastered so beautifully. You are beautiful to behold. Your heart is beautiful to experience. You are from love, you are made of love... you ARE love. I love you.❤️