After Trump is gone, Trump-ism will be
Lots of ways to examine this point.
One is to notice the deep detachment we have as a society from our common founding vision.
Some have pondered the notion of a new Civil War. I suggest that today's outbreak is just a
And now those divides have coalesced around a very different set of fundamental, axiomatic ideas, values and beliefs that make any unity difficult, if not impossible.
The top-level obvious ones are the literal 'civil war' cries that Trump and some of his supporters (believers?) have called for in the event he loses.
But the syndrome is far more insidious & deep. And is on display even now.
Here is one.
It takes a certain philosophy and set of values to pull these sort of moves at a time such as this.
There is a "#ShockDoctrine" function that seems to be in play as well.