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The resumption of #Saudi-#Iran relations has triggered what I believe to be exaggerated reaction about #China’s emergence as a #MiddleEast powerbroker and a strategic shift of #Riyadh away from its traditional partners. 1/17
Some context: in an October meeting in #Jeddah, a #Saudi leader at the highest level explained his strategy was to defeat #Iran through growth. The fact that KSA is the fastest growing G-20 country, w/trillions invested in everything from tourism to mining, supports this. 2/17
But growth takes time - and growth can be sidetracked through insecurity, whether from #Houthi missiles or the threat of nuclear blackmail. To protect the long-term strategy, he said, KSA needs security. 3/17
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In meiner TL heute: Statement der #MuslimWorldLeague 👇

Verkürzt übersetzt: dem befreundeten deutschen Volk und den Opfern des Anschlags in Hamburg unser herzliches Beileid.

Als jemand, der d @MWLOrg von früher kennt, wurde ich neugierig

#Zeugen_Jehovas #HamburgAttack
Wer im Nahen Osten der 1980-er aufgewachsen ist, erinnert sich an den Wahabismus-Export d saudischen Regimes. Kulturell war er wenig attraktiv.

Jordanische Jugendliche haben lieber „Dallas“ (gerne auch im israelischen TV) als Koran TV aus Saudi Arabien verfolgt.

Die saudische „Soft Power“ Projektion war in Afrika und Europa subtiler & effektiver. Milliarden an Petrodollars wurden in Entwicklungsprojekte, aber auch in Moscheen und Medrasas gepumpt. Ein Träger war die @MWLOrg . „Bestenfalls“ wurde d puritanische Ideologie verbreitet 3/x
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(1/22) In this 🧵we cover why it perhaps is premature to rule out Elon Musk buying #MUFC, and especially look at a couple of aspects that have yet to be covered, that greatly increase the odds of this takeover taking place.
(2/22) The report of Musk’s interest to by MUFC has not really been taken seriously. Reactions has varied from total disbelief to at best speculations on how nothing can be ruled out when it comes to Elon Musk. There are however many scenarios – other than it...
(3/22)..being an ‘act of madness’ – that could explain his interest in the club. In this thread, we will look closer at three of them. First of all, it is important to remember that Elon Must has a long history of cooperating with Saudi Arabia.
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⚖ Justice for Jamal Khashoggi ⚖ 🙏🕊 #Khashoggi
@HouseDemocrats @SenateDems @POTUS @FBI
2018: CIA concludes Saudi crown prince #MBS ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s assassination…
Senator Lindsey Graham's reaction after #Khashoggi murder
🇸🇦 2018: Saudi Arabia paid $100 Million when Mike #Pompeo visited Riyadh to discuss Jamal #Khashoggi's disappearance…
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[Enquête d'@a_hmissi sur le #softpower Saoudien🇸🇦 en France🇫🇷]

Que cache les rumeurs sur la #VenteOM🟦 à l’#ArabieSaoudite ?

Le rachat du club le plus populaire de France pourrait être un grand coup dans le cadre d'une stratégie d'influence plus globale.

L’actualité fait régulièrement écho des dérives de la monarchie en matière de droits humains : Assassinat de #Khashoggi, kidnapping du 1er ministre libanais Saad Hariri, guerre au Yémen, arrestation des militants saoudiens #RaifBadawi et @LoujainHathloul
Pour redorer l’image de son pays, le prince héritier d’Arabie Saoudite, Mohamed Ben Salmane, mise sur une stratégie d’influence non coercitive : le soft power.
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The White House said it was “disappointed” by the decision of the OPEC Plus energy cartel, led by Saudi Arabia & Russia, to cut oil production to try to raise prices.

Biden’s “fist-bump diplomacy” with Saudi leader MBS failed…

Surprise! 🙄

🧵… Image
It was part of US and EU efforts to limit Moscow’s ability to use energy as leverage over third parties after Russia’s invasion of #Ukraine.
But no one, least of all the White House, should be surprised if MBS didn’t keep his word.

When Biden went to Jeddah in July to ask MBS for oil favors –that cringey fist-bump– the Administration surely should have understood who they were dealing with.…
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1/x Russia and Saudi Arabia teamed up today to prop up oil prices, which have slid by roughly 25% since early June.

I dug into the key drivers in their relationship and some of the limitations in an article co-written w Jasmine Alexander-Greene…
2/x Personalities matter a lot. MBS and Putin revel in taunting the Biden administration. Unfortunately, the Ukraine war changed nothing.

It always pays to remember MBS's comments about Biden's complaints about the Kingdom: “Simply, I do not care.”…
3/x People like to point to the tectonic factors pulling Russia and the Gulf Arabs together: eg the Mideast becoming less important to US nat'l security, the pivot to Asia, drawdown from Iraq and Afghanistan, and surging U.S. oil/gas production. These are indeed real issues.
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1- #Biden rehabilita a Mohamed Bin Salman a cambio de petróleo
EEUU quiere lograr que Arabia Saudí aumente la producción de petróleo para intentar moderar la subida mundial de precios de los combustibles tras la invasión rusa de Ucrania.

Foto @Reuters…
@Reuters 2- Cara a cara de #Biden con Mohamed bin Salman (MBS), príncipe heredero y responsable, según la CIA, de aprobar la operación contra el periodista Jamal Khasoggi en el consulado saudí de Estambul en 2018.

Foto @Reuters
@Reuters 3- #Biden calificó entonces a Arabia Saudí de «Estado paria» tras el asesinato de #Khashoggi , un habitual de 'The Washington Post', pero cuatro años después la crisis energética le obliga a recular y restablece relaciones con MBS.
Foto @AP
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#Biden prometió tratar a Arabia Saudí como «paria» y ahora visita a #BinSalman como "socio" 🤮

El príncipe heredero de #ArabiaSaudita recibió al presidente estadounidense en el Palacio Real Al-Salam en #Jeddah.

#MBS #Putin #Israel #Iran #USA
Tras la publicación del informe que demostró que Mohammed bin Salman estuvo involucrado en el asesinato de Jamal #Khashoggi, .@POTUS había prometido convertir a Arabia Saudita en un gobierno rechazado. 😏
#SaudiArabia #Rusia #Palestina Image
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Significant statement from caretaker PM @yairlapid: "Two-state solution is a strong guarantee for a democratic state of #Israel with a #Jewish majority."
Interesting moment during the @JoeBiden-@yairlapid presser in #Jerusalem when #Saudi news outlet @AlArabiya correspondent asked @POTUS what the #US is offering #Gulf states on #Iran's malign activity in region, and Lapid on where #Israel disagreed with Washington on Iran policy.
Read 58 tweets
It's finally here!
I'm extremely excited to announce that my book "Iranian-Saudi Rivalry since 1979: In the Words of Kings & Clerics" has been published by @BloomsburyBooks @ibtauris.
Let me tell you a little bit about my book & my decade-long journey in this thread🧵1/25
This book is a revision of my DPhil Dissertation at @UniofOxford @StCrossCollege which covered Iranian & Saudi Mutual (mis)Representations 1979-2009 & subsequent work that covered this rivalry up to 2021 as an Academic Visitor at @StAntsCollege @OxfordMEC . 2/25
This publication builds on the work of great experts, scholars & academics including [in alpha. order]
#ShahramChubin @carnegienpp
#HennerFürtig @GIGA_Institute 3/25
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Today at 1:14 pm EDT: CPJ joins @DAWNmenaorg and other partner organizations at a ceremony to rename the street outside the @SaudiEmbassyUSA in Washington D.C. as #KhashoggiWay.


#JusticeForJamal #JamalKhashoggi ImageImage
On Oct 2, 2018, Washington Post columnist and U.S. resident #JamalKhashoggi was brutally murdered at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

Today, CPJ and partner organizations are renaming the street outside @SaudiEmbassyUSA in Washington DC as #KhashoggiWay.

President @JoeBiden’s planned meeting with Israeli, Saudi, and Egyptian leaders next month runs the risk of a return to business as usual

@POTUS should not normalize the killing and jailing of journalists…

@WhiteHouse @PressSec @SecBlinken @StateDeptSpox Image
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Dice la compagna di Jamal Khashoggi che né l'Onu né la UE hanno avviato procedimenti legali contro gli assassini del giornalista ucciso e massacrato nel consolato arabo a Istanbul su mandato del regime di bin Salman.
Proprio come per #Assange le istituzioni politiche che dicono di lavorare per i diritti, la giustizia si voltano dall'altra parte e lasciano che gli interessi economici prevalgano.
Nessuno alza la voce coi regimi, non lo fa l'Italia con l'Egitto che nega giustizia e verità su Giulio Regeni perché gli affari vengono prima, non lo fa l'occidente col regime barbaro che solo qualche giorno fa ha eseguito un centinaio di condanne a morte in un giorno solo
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Turkey to hand Khashoggi trial over to Saudis.

The journalist was killed in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018.

Handing case to Riyadh will "reinforce Saudi authorities' apparent belief that they can get away with murder", says Human Rights Watch
The murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

#AFPgraphics on the gruesome murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, in October 2018 that shocked the world
#BREAKING Turkey court confirms transfer of Khashoggi murder trial to Saudi Arabia: AFP
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#Wirecard hat in der Bilanz 2018 offenbar Scheingeschäfte in Asien durch neue Scheingeschäfte ersetzt. Trotz zahlreicher Ungereimtheiten bekam der damalige DAX-Konzern von #EY ein uneingeschränktes Testat - bemerkenswert! Warum? Ein #Thread zur Recherche mit @JosefStreule👇
Am 24.4.2019 trifft sich der Wirecard-Aufsichtsrat. #EY erstellt dafür eine Präsentation. Darin steht: Bei mehreren Tochterfirmen in Asien seien Scheinumsätze in Höhe von 10 Mio. € entdeckt worden. Die müssen raus aus der Bilanz. 11 Mio. € kommen dafür rein.👇
"Einbuchung von bislang nicht erfassten Umsatzerlösen", steht in der Präsentation. Unsere Recherchen zeigen: Auch diese nachträglich verbuchten Umsätze gibt es nicht. #Wirecard stellt diesen Vorgang danach im Geschäftsbericht als eine Art Buchungsfehler dar.👇
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1/. “I am raising my voice. To do otherwise would betray those who languish in prison. I can speak when so many cannot.”

This Saturday marks 3 years since @washingtonpost journalist, #JamalKhashoggi, was murdered in the #SaudiArabia consulate in Istanbul.
2/. Three years on, Jamal’s fiancée @mercan_resifi & the world are still awaiting justice

US Intelligence publicly accused the Saudi crown prince of ordering the murderous attack on #JamalKhashoggi

And yet @JoeBiden has taken no direct action against the prince or #SaudiArabia Image
3/. To mark the 3rd anniversary of
#JamalKhashoggi’s murder:

TODAY: @DAWNmenaorg’s virtual event with @AgnesCallamard, @NihadAwad, @GerryConnolly, @TawakkolKarman etc

TMW: Protest outside #Saudi embassy, Washington with @codepink

TMW: Vigil with @mercan_resifi & @freedomfirst ImageImageImageImage
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De vader van Mohammed Atta, de 33-jarige vermeend leider van de kapers, geloofde niks van het officiële verhaal, wees naar inlichtingendiensten/MOSSAD & claimde dat zijn zoon hem daags na 9/11 belde.

Originele video + transcriptie + achtergrondinfo ->…
Geen afscheidsbrief.
Getuigen die beweren dat Mo net als de rest van de 'kapers' aan de coke zat, alcohol dronk & naar de hoeren ging.

En NUL bewijs van deelname aan 9/11. Image
Ouders Hani Hanjour: 'No way dat onze zoon betrokken was bij 9/11'
Fam. Muhannad Al-Shahri: idem
Broer Ahmad Al-Haznawi: 'Foto is niet mijn broer en no way dat hij betrokken was'
Vader Salim & Nawaf Al-Hazmi: 'Niet zeker dat mannen op foto mijn zonen zijn'…
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1/. Gross press freedom violations revealed by #PegasusProject can’t be met with impunity

Govts & agencies who’ve spied on journalists must provide answers on this misuse of NSO technology #Pegasus #PegasusSnoopgate @amnesty @globalfreemedia @pressfreedom…
2/. Journalists, MPs & human rights activists were selected as targets for surveillance by authoritarian regimes

#Pegasus is the spyware developed, marketed & licensed to govts around the world by the Israeli company NSO Group.
@citizenlab #PegasusProject
3/. In the months before he died & a year after his murder, people associated with Jamal Khashoggi, were selected for potential surveillance by clients of NSO

Hungary’s far-right govt is suspected of hacking phones of journalists & targeting owners
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Exklusiv: Die Mobiltelefone von hunderten Journalisten, Menschenrechtlern, Anwälten und Politikern, unter ihnen auch Staatspräsidenten, sollen ausgewählt worden sein, um sie mit einer Spionagesoftware zu überwachen. @f_obermaier @b_obermayer @h_munzinger @FlorianFlade @ChBaars
Gemeinsam mit der Organisation @FbdnStories und @amnesty_de haben internationale Journalisten einen Datensatz von mehr als 50.000 Telefonnummern ausgewertet.
Beteiligt waren in Deutschland @NDRrecherche , @WDRinvestigativ, @SZ_Investigativ und @DIEZEIT.
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#DAZN #Matchroom
#disruption #sport
#Legacy v's #PurePlay specialists

This week #EddieHearn announced the worst kept secret in sports broadcasting - He's taking his show, Lock Stock, to Mr #Blavatnik first-mover streaming service.

#Thread with a different perspective...🧐 ImageImageImageImage
This is exciting for #Sports fans - Especially #boxing

Lower cost access
More shows
Bigger production

Interesting, it's announced a week after #SundayTimes named the owner of #DAZN as the richest man in the UK (again)!

That rich list is an good starting point to explore Image
We're living through changing times;


What's that got to do with #DAZN & #Sport 🤔

Well, Sport & #Entertainment is big business 💰

It's also used by powerful people to influence Hearts & Minds...
#Sportswashing ImageImage
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Len Blavatnik's (Access Ind) N761LE 5/11-5/12/21 London-Miami
Blavatnik's N600EB 5/11/21 London-HPN-Stewart Int

"British Telecom is in talks to sell a stake or all of its sports-broadcast division. Potential bidders include Len Blavatnik-backed DAZN"… ImageImageImage
Len Blavatnik's (Access Ind) N761LE 5/14/21 Miami-LA
Bkavatnik's N600EB 5/13-5/14/21 Stewart Int-HPN-LA

"A Soviet-Born Billionaire Is Buying Influence at US Institutions. Anti-Corruption Activists Are Worried."…
Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone/Trump/RDIF) N113CS 5/14-5/15/21 West Palm Beach-Nantucket (~2h 30m)-WPB

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USAF 09-0625 MC-12W Liberty BNCR61 4/15/21 ISR mission over Baghdad, Iraq, LIVE

Something's up in Baghdad. Normally 09-0625 flies missions near Ramadi, NW of Baghdad, and at Syrian border. Image
Tom Barrack's (Chair of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 4/11-4/12/21 LA-Paris 4/13/21 Paris-Nice (~20m)-Beirut 4/14/21 Beirut-Pisa

Probably stopped in Pisa to see his friend Flavio Briatore

ICYMI: Barrack and Manafort had vacation with Briatore Aug 2016
Alexander Mashkevich's M-AAAL 4/14/21 West Palm Beach-Punta Cana

M-AAAL's second visit to WPB in five weeks

"Trump, Russia & a Shadowy Business Partnership. Bayrock/Sater/Arif/Mashkevich/Trump"…
Read 255 tweets
Read 126 tweets

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