There comes a time when people simply do not wish to be free. If you try to give them their freedom they will hand it back and demand that you lead them.
One of the reasons
After a while, a few generations after the last significant attack on liberty, the memory of what freedom is begins to fade. Problems arise that seem to "demand" an authoritarian
So we have history, philosophy, literature, etc,all bearing on the point.
Thinking of the Civil War era a lot re this notion. The split was there from the beginning
"One thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history"
"Those who do not know their history are condemned to repeat it"
Some, as in the original question, have given their allegiances to one answer to the conundrums facing us. In order to sustain this position, they are required to 'join'
(Another excellent exposition of this notion is in Dostoevsky's The Grand Inquisitor. There may not be a more powerful exam of this point...)
One of which, as Maslow has taught us, is the need to belong.
Once you are in, remaining in depends upon not challenging.
I submit this wandering abstract of a thesis as one of the primary forces in play in our own distraught times. That to und things at this level **might** give us the ability to recognize
Just w a different set of fears, beliefs, hopes & experiences.
Meanwhile, we are in desperate need to break down these dogma's & find again those deeper values & principles.
We are about to go to war otherwise. And that is never good.