Instead of locking yourself in your room (which can affect your mental health) try to head off those negative feelings w these steps:
Sometimes it's as simple as a personality clash. Oftentimes, it's based on something that happened in the past.
ie: A relative asking too many personal questions, a sibling constantly tries to best you, etc.
Figure out why that person affects you.
Acceptance needs to take place to free ur mind of neg feelings connected to a person.
The things that annoy you won't change, so instead, try to change your mindset about them.
This doesn't mean you forgive their behavior or that you have
To try to remove that dislike you experience, you might also think about considering WHY the person behaves the way they do.
Ask yourself, are they deliberately being annoying, or are they just nervous & socially awkward?
Should you be taking their words
Being calm & empathetic will help remove neg energy caused by the situation.
Send someone you don't get along w
This doesn't mean you like them, but you'll feel better knowing YOU are making decisions about your feelings.
Remember, this is a process, practice makes perfect. Make a decision to change the way