Your smartphone is about 3000 times more powerful than the computers we used to do that amazing feat.
Ask a plumber, a doctor, a car mechanic, a therapist, a writer, a carpenter, a news announcer, a teacher. You'll get laughter & great stories.
Kinda dark, innit?
"Type [Whatevers-Not-Mine] is full of evil, stupid, lazy, cheap, awful, corrupt people, and we are helpless to do anything about it."
It's not you, it's us. It's not the subject of your advocacy, it's us. It's not the style of your advocacy, it's us.
Seek experiences over bullet points. Take every chance to *try* a thing.
Above all, don't assume what's going on now for you is "just the way it is".
The problems we're working on are *hard*, really *hard*. That's what's so cool about them, and so cool about us.
We can't change what we don't try to change.