No single Government agency in the USA collates and verifies all the data on #CV cases and deaths, remarkably. V patchy.
So the @nytimes is doing it for them.…
So when the US Gov flew back American’s exposed to CV in China and Japan, the @nytimes tracked them back to the states where they were subsequently treated, altho’ local health departments did not.
Other data anomalies tracked

Meanwhile in NY City (pop 8.4 million) the number of coronavirus cases in New York City had climbed above 26,000. The city’s death toll was 450.
Altho’ 1.7% v test positives, scaled up to U.K. pop that is the equivalent of 3465 deaths.
Drive thru’ testing centres have been set up and increasingly vigorous suppression measures put in place.
The @nytimes will be tracking the effect.