@etta8247 (yes she's real & a great follow!)
@Sophia_RESISTS @Ruatha_Pern

Continued 👇
@DemForLife3 (my 78-year-old Mom 😳 sorry Mom 😆)
+ so many >

Oh! I forgot:

@DebraMessing (my Community buddy)
More of my friends don't want to be listed but they know I 💘 them.

@auntieshay0304 (a friend irl who's battling #SLE/#lupus & had to flee Louisville (where she lived near me 😢) but had to flee bc of #domesticviolence:
@DemForLife3 (my Mom)
I know I have forgotten someone bc I haven"t been to sleep yet so I am an even greater mess.
I will bookmark this Tweet & add last 1 tomorrow.
I do not want to take away from their needs by what may seem at 1st glance to be a self-serving Tweet bc @DemForLife3 is my 78-yr-old Mom's & caregiver...
My pinned Tweet is my Mom's.
If I may speak for each of them, we all struggle during "normal" times: to buy our RXs not covered by insurance (to pay for a surgery as in @Sophia_RESISTS case, to buy food, pay rent. This pandemic has compounded the suffering.
Plz read/RT
Mom was understandably devastated (as was I), so her sister took us on a Cruise: our last vacation

Little did I know a tick would upend our lives.
We had no idea that in a flash, everything would 4ever change.
Greet each a.m. w/gratitude for being alive.


Plz keep the other ppl 👆 I listed in mind as well.
For instance, Frank @model_daughters needs $ assistance 4 he & his special needs dogs.
He's renovating a duplex w/which to bc $$ independent.
The ppl I listed are politically active despite health challenges/limitations.
Many either receive SSI/SSDI or awaiting decision.
It's unclear if we'll receive any stimulus: if so, we'll be last.

@GoodRx sent me a check for $400 last yr.
This is my now 78-yr-old Mom & caregiver, Carolyn, @DemForLife3 & I voting in 2018 for @GovAndyBeshear.

I was a practicing atty & owe > $100,000 in Student Loan debt.
I had my rescue dog Scout on a leash in our fenced backyard bc she'd eat any foliage-some harmful. 1/?

During evening bath, using a new type Garnier scrubbing shampoo. I 'knocked' something off my L ear & found a tick in hair "basket" in drain. Developed bullseye rash; Scout died the next day of complications.
It took me 11 Mos for a diagnosis despite REPEATED appts w/PCP & trip to MAYO Clinic to whom I still owe $9000. 😕😬
Went STRAIGHT to E.N.T. who quickly dxd as Coxsackie Virus.
Said 2 report to PCP if >2 days 4/?
She agreed that I had been bitten by a #Tick (😏-gee thx), had classic symptoms of Coxsackie virus, & COULD NOT believe PCP (of decade+) had me on 19 yrs of Antibiotics (likely 4ever damaging my immune system)
Once back in Louisville approx 2 mos later, was hospitalized YET again!
of course, I tested positive for Coxsackie B4.! I was also in excruciating lower rt quadrant pain & certain my gallbladder was "bad'. Ultrasound showed ZERO.
I had enough, switched hospital systems, PCP, etc.
It was gangrenous & I went septic. I made it bc of fab new Drs but have perm. nerve damage.
9/plz almost be finished
I was also diagnosed w/#Lyme + vanc-resistant C. Difficile which I fought for 3.5 yrs b4 getting 2 fecal matter transplants.
On top rt is protein drink I must supplement w/but $2 apiece! SNAP=$66/mo. 😭

TY for bearing w/me & help/RT:
@auntieshay0304 @Sophia_RESISTS

are an atheist, agnostic, Pagan, &/or just believe in good works + paying it forward:
TY for your help, your friendship, & your humanity.
You keep us going: medically, w/ bills, rent, spiritually-esp, during scary times

Well, the best of intentions...💕😘