So, there is a stressor. Physical or psychosocial. A few things happen straight away – the hypothalamus releases Corticoid Release Hormone [CRH] into the Pituitary, the Sympathetic Nervous system [autonomic – SNS] fires up, Parasympathetic NS [autonomic - PNS] down-regulates
..the Pituitary releases ACTH into the adrenal gland which in turn starts flooding the circulatory system with glucocorticoids. Biology 101 that most of us know.
Typically, CRH action will get triggered within a second, will last a few seconds or minute and when the stressor goes, it will take a few seconds or a minute to die out. Threat is over, lion [real or metaphorical] has gone, job done!
Hormones on the other hand, will start flooding the blood a minute or two later, will spread all over, act in multiple areas and will typically take a couple of hours to be cleaned up after the CRH release halts.
Remember, it is a rare human indeed who is chased by a lion [ a new one each time] every 3 hours, 24 hours a day, 30 days a month, 365 days a year. For 3 years. Unheard of actually.
Yet, it is not a rare human being who brings on Stress Response to every argument, every difference, every perceived insult, every perceived feeling of scarcity [I own a 3 year old Samsung, she has a brand new Iphone10!]…..intermittent, low intensity stressors ...
...which on account of poor emotional and thought regulation, trigger stress response that works well when one is being chased by a Lion across the Savannah for 45 seconds!
So basically, when you are bringing on psychosocial stress on yourself, you are triggering the same response system that kept you safe from a lion chasing you thousands of years ago. All growth and protection systems shut down as the body focused on survival. Excellent.
Not so excellent if the stressor is chronic [as psychosocial stress can often b in many people]. Your body is swimming in cortisol - and all other systems including digestive, respiratory,cardiovascular, immune, reproductive etc are compromised. You are a dis-ease magnet now!
..Like a wreck often attacks a friend thinking him to be an enemy. Many more such complications, for instance immunosuppression is also a possibility – I will spare you the details on the histamine complex and receptors etc , since i promised to keep this thread very basic.
The purpose of this thread was to shed some light on why this entire narrative on elderly people being vulnerable to #covid19 is too simplistic. While age is generally associated with weakened physiology, age is not the ONLY determinant for the health of one's immune system
Imagine the mental state of those who are fueling and falling for these conspiracy theories.…
A conversation between SARS-COV-2 buggers on the biggest challenge they are facing 🤣