I will dissect the economics and prospect of the business nd
highlight the common mistakes nd errors.
Please do RT & follow back if you are reading.

PF is described as the domestic and or commercial rearing of birds such as Chickens,Turkey, Ducks, Quails for meat and or egg purposes.
However, I will be in discussing Chicken rearing for both eggs (Layers) and meat (Broilers) production.
It's a venture that can give 80% ROI within a very short period of time when well managed and rightly done.
Just like any other business PF also comes with it's own risks.
Infact, feeding and birds welfare takes away about 75% of the total expenditure in this venture and that's why critical attention must be given to feeding in poultry business.
Ask questions coz NGN 1 is significant in this business
Get your chicks from a reliable hatchery, this is also important
But if you are rearing to supply to the market of slaughter houses. You must meet the 6 weeks target.
You need a pen house (shelter) to keep the birds from predators.
The space requirement for a broiler is 1.2sq ft.
You need good breed of chicks. I prefer Arbor acres or Ross 500.
Amo Seiberer does Arbor acres while SAYED farms does Ross.
Give the birds good feed and they will yield. Its GIGO. Manipulate the feeds and ya body go tell u.
I do formulate for my broilers using a particular concentrate and I get 2kg average in 6wks.
Its not a rocket science
With these 3 factors in place. You are good to make good profit.
1k DOC @#200/Bird=#200,000
Transportation @#10/bird=#10,000
Heating(2 bags of coal) =#4000
1 bird will consume 3.6kg of feed.
Starter (0.6kg)@#175/kg=#105k
Labour cost =#15,000
Total cost of DOC, Feeding, drugs & Welfare= #849,200
Broiler buy back price=#530/kg
Expected Average weight=2kg
No of live birds collected=1000
Mortality(4%)= 40 birds
Number of live birds supplied=960
Total live weight =1920kg
Cost of live weight=#1,017,600
Gross profit=cost of live weight - Total Expenses
I will be doing a thread on layers (egg production) tomorrow. Kindly follow back for more on agribusiness.
Kindly patronise OTTAB SYNERGY FARMS & AGRO-ALLIED for your agricultural needs
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