First of all, if #BelieveWomen isn’t tempered with basic common sense, then it’s simply blind dogma, and thus quite dangerous and subject to horrible abuses, as I’ve said long before I ever heard the name Tara Reade.
Let’s compare the
Kavanaugh: despite being an only marginally well known public figure prior to his nomination, he had not one but multiple accusers. His known, documented behavior, not to mention his judicial actions, all point to a distinct lack of respect for
We must also consider the consistency of the narrative around his behavior. Very different
Let’s also look at his choice in partners: abusers of women HATE strong women because they fear them. Look at pictures of Kavanaugh with his wife. Throughout the confirmation process, every time we saw…
Biden: Joe Biden has been a powerful man and a public figure almost his entire adult life, having become a senator at as young an age as the Constitution
Joe Biden is far from perfect. We all know he’s far too handsy with everyone by modern standards. But that in itself is an indicator of just how unbelievable these allegations are: with all the people he’s made uncomfortable with his “too
Let’s also look at his legislative record. While his Catholic upbringing initially led him to be
Finally, let’s look at his
Whom did Biden marry after his
Now let’s look at Reade. Her behavior is NOTHING like the behavior we see in Trump’s or Kavanaugh’s accusers. She’s been wildly inconsistent. And until she fell in love first with Putin and then with Sanders, she was an ardent and very
And now we discover that her story of harassment has evolved into one of outright assault, only to find it
So in summary: Biden is no Kavanaugh and Reade is no Blasey Ford.
So where does that leave us with #BelieveAllWomen? With an admonition to apply a bit of logic and common sense
But Reade has taken a long-ago, forgiveable transgression and,
Whose agenda? Given her adoration of Putin, one must wonder. Her recent claims that she never loved Putin, that it was all just part of a writing project, simply do not pass the smell test,