If you want to make sure you don’t lose your job in the next five years, you probably want to know something about Big Data, or even switch to a data-related career.
#DataScience #Data

- Dr. Rebecca Pope (Head, Data Science d Engineering at KPMG)
#DataScience #Data #DataAnalyst #Statistics
#DataScience #Data #DataAnalyst #Statistics
A data scientist wants to do something more: predict. Data scientists train models on data so that models can PREDICT the future as accurately as possible.
Data Engineer's job is "the representation and movement of data so that it is consumable and usable".
They needs to take the raw data, clean it, move it into a database, tag it, make sure it's ready for the next stage of the process.
Pope said the #programming #languages & platforms you'll need for data engineering jobs are:
1 Apache Spark
2 Scala
3 Docker
3 Java
4 Hadoop &
5 Kubernetes NiFI
There job is about interpreting current information to make it useful for the business.They interface with the business to find out what's required of the data & developing visualizations that allow the business to easily interpret what the data says
#DataAnalytics ##RapidMiner #Analytics #Postgrasql
Data scientist interfaces heavily with the business and works with engineers.
They train machine learning programs on specially prepared datasets in order to provide easy-to-use visualizations that suit the needs of the business
#DataScience #Data
You’ll also need good data-visualization and people skills so that you can present your model and its findings to the business and encourage them to use it.
#DataScience #DataScientist
Pope is hiring at KPMG.
And she isn’t just looking for PhDs and highly accomplished graduates with a master’s degree.
Being a good data scientist is all about being the “Swiss Army knife” who can operate across the spectrum of the above-mentioned roles.