1. Colonel Sanders Founded KFC at The Age of 65
2. Jack Ma, Couldn’t Get Job in KFC, Founded #AliBaba
Story over
1. Age Is Just A Number
2. Only Those Who Keep Trying Succeeds

1. #Lamborghini Was Founded As Result Of Revenge Of A Tractor Owner Who Was Insulted by Enzo Ferrari, the Founder of #FERRARI
Story over
1. Never Underestimate Anyone, Ever!
2. Success Is the BEST REVENGE

John Shepherd-Barron(JSB) “Wouldn’t it be a good idea if there was some way of obtaining money outside regular working hours?”
JSB worked for a printing company, devised a system for automatically dispensing cash

"I told him I had an idea that if you put your standard Barclays cheque through a slot in the side of the bank, it will deliver standard amounts of money around the clock.
Barclays commissioned 6 ATMs in 1960s

Ramanujan had no formal training in mathematics & still he came up with #PartitionTheory

When you put your debit or credit card in the machine and order the machine to dispense the amount you desire - the machine divides & arranges your money before dispensing it, using Ramanujan’s partition theory

2 sums that differ only in the order of their sums are considered the same partition
E.g. 4 can be partitioned in five distinct ways
3 + 1
2 + 2
2 + 1 + 1
1 + 1 + 1 + 1