What does it say about #NIreland & about #Brexit?
A #thread on the stand-out points.
(H/T @ConorHouston_ for the starting link!)
- Promises ‘active participation’ in Specialised Committee
(which means, according to UKG promise, NI Exec reps should be present too)
- Emphasis on rights dimensions of #protocol
- To seek ‘strong commitments’ from UKG to #ECHR (hmmm)

- Some solid ambitions re: environmental protection 💚
+ repetition of some key commitments from #NewDecadeNewApproach, e.g. all-island research hub thru @UniIreland
-Regular meetings of NSMC
-Expanded mechanisms for @OireachtasNews engagement with @niassembly, Westminster & devolved Parls
-Each govt dept to maintain strong links with its NI counterpart
Maybe they read our @UKandEU report?! tinyurl.com/NIBrexitGovce

-@greenparty_ie has made a difference
-Includes persistent & tricky as well as new issues
-Ambition goes beyond stealing SF thunder & seeks to meet real challenges re: #Brexit
Feasibility will depend on bandwidth & resource as much as pol will.