Think of Hampi's ruins (below) or Sravanabelagola (Karnataka), or Mt Abu (Rajasthan)?
#DidYouKnow, such isolated hill/ridge features that jut out from the surrounding plains are called #inselbergs?
#Geo thread/

Yet are most abundant in tropical regions with granite-gneiss outcrops, like those on the cratons across India, as also in the zones marked BCG, CGC, and SGT.

In #India, insolation (heat from sun's rays), rainwater, and rivers have shaped landscapes for millennia.

Yet in #India, Iron Age settlements & pastoral activity have created diverse features on inselbergs from rock pools to vegetated terraces, with rich biodiversity.
(Ref: Climate without Nature)

Hence, our #inselbergs offer a unique geo-perspective!
Some mistake inselbergs for wind-carved features, but their shape (which should offer least resistance to winds) indicates otherwise.

This book presents #India's inselbergs as a unique opportunity for inclusive #biodiversity conservation: nature & culture, as both have shaped the present-day environment.
Tropical inselbergs:…
$$ article:…

India's inselbergs are less studied than those elsewhere & are sure to offer insights into #geology, #geomorphology & #biogeography!