Free Iran Global Summit
Iran Rising Up for Freedom
Resistance Units Key to Victory
Friday, July 17, 2020, 15:00 CEST- 09:00 am EST #FreeIran2020 #Iran…

Every year, the #Iranian Resistance holds its annual “Free Iran” grand gathering in Paris. Tens of thousands of Iranians and supporters of the main Iranian opposition movement, the #MEK from around the globe attend the major event. #FreeIran2020…
Also, hundreds of renowned politicians, dignitaries, human rights activists, and parliamentarians from the US and Europe join the annual gathering and present their thoughts about the situation in #Iran and the #Iranian resistance. #FreeIran2020…
Last year the gathering was held in Ashraf-3 in Albania, the Epicenter of Resistance for Freedom. Ashraf-3 hosted hundreds of international dignitaries from 47 nations. #FreeIran2020 #Iran
The #Iranian people have suffered gravely at the hands of the clerical regime. For the past 41 years, the regime has executed over 120,000 people...This includes the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in the summer of 1988. #FreeIran2020…
In addition to domestic suppression, for decades the #Iranian regime has adopted a policy of intervention in the region and export of terrorism, and also pursuing a nuclear program to possess nuclear weapons. #FreeIran2020…
What is the solution? Are #Iran's perspectives clear? Is this year the last of the religious fundamentalist regime in Iran? Answers to questions about Iran at this year's #Iranian Summit, the largest gathering since the coronavirus outbreak. #FreeIran2020

For years Iranian Resistance has insisted on the policy of regime change by the #Iranian people and through popular uprising. It also insisted that the only solution to liberate the Iranian people and bring peace to the region is the uprising by the people. #FreeIran2020
Since 2012 and according to the strategy of 1000 Ashraf, the #MEK formed and organized the Resistance units all across #Iran. In 2017, 2018, and 2019 these units played a main role in organizing and continuing the uprisings. #FreeIran2020
In the annual gatherings, the world witnesses a viable and democratic alternative, capable of overthrowing the regime. This was echoed in almost every speech delivered at Ashraf-3 in 2019, by guest speakers from the US, Europe, and... #FreeIran2020…
The most significant message of the annual gathering is that the Regime-change in #Iran is imminent because the democratic alternative is ready and capable of achieving it. #FreeIran2020…
This year, given the coronavirus pandemic’s prevalence, the annual gathering will be held online on July 17. Like previous years, many distinguished figures will attend the virtual conference to announce their support for a free #Iran. #FreeIran2020
Notably, on June 17, 2020, in a bipartisan resolution, a majority of the U.S. House of Representatives declared their solidarity with the #Iranian people’s desire for a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear republic of #Iran. #FreeIran2020…