Here are some of the things I have discovered so far ⬇️

The Ispra site 🇮🇹 was inaugurated in 1959. Geel 🇧🇪1960, Petten 🇳🇱1962, Karlsruhe 🇩🇪1965, & Seville 🇪🇸1994 followed.
It is home to over 2000 scientists and hosts some quite unique labs and facilities.…

This ensures both stability and an influx of up to date and fresh knowledge in the organisation.
Here are just a few of the projects our researchers are currently working on⬇️

The @EU_ScienceHub has produced a series of reports to help policymakers anticipate and understand change.
Explore the #Facts4EUfuture reports:…

It also highlights the losses that can be avoided if ambitious mitigation & adaptation measures are implemented.!hr76XK #EUGreenDeal

An online interactive tool that makes global migration data easy to access and use.!wP37HY


That's why the @EU_ScienceHub created the European platform on #RareDisease registration.
It makes fragmented data searchable & findable across rare disease registries.
Explore the on-demand mapping system for disasters & the monitoring systems on floods (EFAS), forest fires (EFFIS) and droughts (EDO)

@EU_ScienceHub looks into the impact of machine intelligence on cognitive/socio-emotional capabilities & decision making!YR49qw

Exploring how schools can expolit digital technologies for teaching & learning is crucial.
The #SELFIE_EU tool developed by @EU_ScienceHub & @EUDigitalEdu can help ➡️!Nw69xt
The digital transformation can also create policy challenges.
Read all about it in the @EU_ScienceHub #FutureOfWork report:!Dy34du

The latest version, from 2019, provides info on cultural & creative performance of 190 European cities, as well as #fairness in access to culture.!fN73bV
What are the drivers of these feelings?
What are the consequences of feeling life is unfair?
@EU_ScienceHub researchers looked into these questions too. Explore the #EUfairness report here ➡️!Kd37PH

The @EU_ScienceHub helps decision makers tackle this problem & apply local solutions to a global problem.
How? With the World Atlas of #Desertification.
Check out the maps, data & forecasts ➡!wT33Mv

So @EU_ScienceHub researchers have worked on understanding our political nature ➡️!qC37vR
#Facts4EUFuture #Enlightenment2
