#7MemesFor7Days of political immaturity, incompetence & idiocy —or evil by design?
(Stories tended to break late in the day this week, so I've gone for themes instead of days.)
1. Tory hypocrisy vis-à-vis #NHS laid bare by *clap on Sunday, clamp on Monday*

2. Johnson made his mismanagement of C19 in #CareHomes worse by BLAMING them for the high death toll —a mistake he's tried to row back from, but refuses to do the one thing that might help: apologise, even tho' Starmer gave him 3 opportunities to do so at #PMQs.

3. The Times announced Cummings will cut the UK's armed forces. One Tory backbencher (#TobiasEllwood)found his backbone & questioned *Why Dom?* Another(#MarkFrançois) took it as a cue to threaten a General he'd get Cummings on to him. Silence from DefenseSec...🙄

4. In #SummerStatement the Tory new deal was diluted down to a meal deal. #AntifraudDodds gave a good response, thinking on her feet, but Tory fans mocked her for not being as attractive as #DishyRishi, who later did a PR stunt & served the wrong food in Wagamama

5. 15 minutes before the deadline, Britain fielded #LiamFox as its candidate the head the #WTO, setting the UK up for more humiliation on the world stage. Even The Telegraph has published a comment saying we'd be better off supporting more qualified candidates 🤦♀️

6. Still reeling from the Fox nomination embarrassment, Govt then doubled-down on excruciation by confirming #FailingGrayling is PM's choice as Intel&Sec SelectCom Chair, responsible for s̶u̶p̶p̶r̶e̶s̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ releasing #RussiaReport.What could possibly go wrong?

7. Catch-all for alarming rise in Tory sleaze: more dodgy planning decisions by Robert*cash for favours*Jenrick; Cummings bunging taxpayers' £billions to pals on dodgy contracts; Buckland attacking trial by jury; Hancock falsifying test data; Patel bullying, Etc.