An explosive documentary giving step by step details of how China's Communist party wilfully spread the Corona Virus from Wuhan to rest of the world.
That's MASSIVE!!
Trillions in economy, 100s of millions of jobs and half a million lives already.
So let me help with some key timeline from this NTD documentary:
European analysis shows that Corona virus started spreading in China as early as September or Oct of 2019 itself.

What "hazardous activity" was happening which made the Communist government shut down mobile phones for weeks? Surely not the military games.

Communists punished that lab, but shutting it down the very next day.
Every lab was warned.

Clearly Communists knew the deadly effect of #CoronaVirus, and were preparing to vaccinate people by stealing American research.
Keep in mind, there was no lockdown yet.

By then it was too late. Massive damage was unleashed across the globe.

On January 27th, #Taiwan confirmed that China had imported large quantity of non woven cloth from India, to make masks and PPEs in January itself!
Communists knew that the world would need lots & lots of masks.

While reassuring the world that everything is under control, allowed international flights till March 30. Clearly the Communists wanted to spread the #WuhanVirus everywhere, while protecting their interests.

Chinese knew about the virus in Wuhan months earlier.
They did all financial, medical, military and governance arrangements for weeks or months, before finally telling the world about human to human transmission on January 20th 2020.
A global probe is required!