• 1 in 1,250 Black
• 1 in 1,500 Indigenous
• 1 in 1,700 Pac. Islander
• 1 in 2,200 Latino
• 1 in 2,800 White &
• 1 in 3,000 Asian
…Americans has DIED (through 8/4).

We have posted new data through 8/4 for all states and the nation, by race, revealing #COVID19's continued toll.
Explore the data:
#healthequity #epitwitter #medtwitter #CoronavirusUSA #ASA2020

▶️Blacks is 3.7 times as high
▶️Indigenous people is 3.5X as high
▶️Pacific Islanders is 3.1X as high
▶️Latinos is 2.8X as high
▶️Asians is 1.4X as high.
(8/4 data)
More: apmresearchlab.org/covid/deaths-b…

cc: @COVIDBLK @uche_blackstock @SpeakPatrice @berubea1 @Colorlines

Explore all the data about those we've lost, state by state, with a focus on racial equity, at our COLOR OF CORONAVIRUS project here: apmresearchlab.org/covid/deaths-b…
#healthequity #epitwitter #medtwitter #coronavirus

Pac. Islanders & Latinos have seen the sharpest recent rise in their mortality rates: apmresearchlab.org/covid/deaths-b…

[Data thru 8/4, age-adjusted.]
Learn more: apmresearchlab.org/covid/deaths-b…

@LatinoUSA @LatinoVoices @latinorebels @NAHJ

@uche_blackstock @SpeakPatrice @berubea1 @alastanford @echohawkd3 @agrantth @Mona__Shah @RWJF @kalamehta23 @PublicHealth

What do you SEE in our #ColorofCoronavirus data? And what should be DONE about the deep racial disparities in #COVID19 mortality? Their words are arresting & stirring. Read more: apmresearchlab.org/covid/response…




@APICaucus @PublicHealth