Our new study just published in #ClinInfectDis examines neighborhood deprivation, race/ethnicity, and HIV viral suppression. Thread 👇🏾
#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #IDTwitter

To this day, HOLC maps of urban areas like Omaha STILL align w/deprivation & racial segregation (R).

We assessed neighborhood disadvantage using the ADI, outlined by @amyjhkind et al. in @NEJM.
✅Viral suppression rates among Black ppl w/HIV (PWH) < White PWH
✅Black-White differences were non-significant after adjusting for age, sex, income, ADI, rurality
✅ADI & poverty independently & inversely assoc. w/suppression

As we aim to #EndHIVEpidemic, we need to think beyond the clinic walls. The *structural* -isms require *structural* interventions.
The phenomenal Invited Commentary by Doshi et al. expands on our brief discussion section 👇🏾

At @UNMC, @DrJRMarcelin and I partner with our community to start these conversations early.
✅Changes in welfare policy
✅Integrated models of care
✅Comprehensive sex education
✅Harm reduction programs
✅Protecting the rights of sexual/gender minorities
Gratitude to @shurtadobares @DrJRMarcelin, truly incredible research (and life! ☺️) mentors, and to our @UNMC_ID clinic team & patients!