You need to be talking to your patients about their civic health.
Voting and health inequities are closely linked.
Another school shooting
#COVID19’s racist impact
The ongoing fight for #Medicaid
All impact the health of our communities. Outcomes that are heavily influenced by participation in, or lack of, voting.
#VoteHealth #VoteKids (2/)

#VoteHealth #VoteKids…
2016 turnout among individuals who self-report “Excellent” or “Very good” health was 64%
Among those reporting “Fair” or “Poor” health? 49%
Insured? 63%
Uninsured? 34%

States that have a disproportionate representation by healthy voters spend less on health & have less generous #Medicaid programs for both benefits offered & payment rates.
#VoteHealth #VoteKids

On the left #Medicaid expansion as tracked by @KFF. Dark blue = states that have NOT accepted expansion
On the right Uninsurance rates as tracked by the @covid_atlas by county level data. Dark purple is >25%

Diseases that impact susceptibility to #COVID19
We also know access to insurance helps ⬇️ racial health inequities…
Left = Confirmed cases per 10k population: Red>>>Yellow

Note the “Black Belt,” (circled in purple) counties in the Southern US where the population is at least 40% Black.
This is how structural racism manifests in health policy. To devastating effect.

This is true during #COVID19 & will likely have an even greater impact in the recovery phase of the pandemic.
The negative feedback loop on health created by voting inequity is clear.

Young adults who vote & are civically engaged have better mental health, achieve higher levels of education, & have higher incomes
#VoteHealth #VoteKids
States who have a higher voter turnout have better healthcare.
Enfranchisement of women is linked with increased spending on children & lower child mortality.
#VoteHealth #VoteKids
Voter enfranchisement is antiracism work. It is key to dismantling structural racism and the racial health inequities it creates.
#WC4BL #VoteHealth


And more about key child health equity issues & their link to voting:…
Let’s get our communities engaged & vote like our health depends on it.
Because it does.