1. "I am sending you out as lambs among wolves...be as wise as serpents & as innocent as doves." Too many in #church manage the doves part - high above, unable to imagine such horrible things could be or that X could possibly be guilty. Ignorance is not holiness.
2. Holiness is more knowing, more robust, more active than that - it is the balance of the #dove & the #serpent.
Serpents crawl on the ground, taste the air, sense vibrations, they know when all is not well. If our leaders are truly humble this is the space they will occupy.
1/20 unfinished thoughts...#online Church has been dismissed for years: a ‘last resort’, a ‘pale imitation’, ‘only just better than nothing’ are 3 verdicts I've heard. Some say how much they #mourn the loss of meeting in church buildings. It's a heavy loss, a significant sorrow.
2/20 But, as with many who #grieve, in our sorrow we must be careful not to #wound others, as #mainstream#church struggles to inhabit what has been the lived, continuous (sometimes total) experience of #disabled#christians, Christians with #mentalhealth struggles...
3/20 ...Christians who are #carers for those who can't #access#Church as we knew it & Christians who work shifts. In our thrashing about in this new arena, we should be careful not to push out those whose #spiritual#home this has been for a long time...
1/ Not responded to the #CofE's latest #statement before now because I felt it as a body blow - a blow to those members of the #body of #Christ who God gave me as siblings & with whom I am united, whose pain echoes in me though it is not directly my own - & I needed to breathe...
2/ The #statement is thin paper stretched over a seething mass of different, deeply held #identities, opinions, lives & #loves that stand in #opposition to one another, yet somehow mysteriously #united in #Christ. There are #cracks we cannot paper over, divides staggeringly deep.
3/ I am really hoping this #lawyerly#statement from the church was just a 'holding statement' till the proper review that is coming, made because the law on civil #marriage changing pushed them into saying something because clergy would need guidance straight away..I am hoping..