In the year 1992, an animated film based on Ramayana was released through satellite cinema. It was made to commemorate the 40th anniversary of India-Japan diplomatic relations. It was the idea of Japanese film director Yugo Sako,who was deeply
1️⃣ @rightwingchora@IndiaArtHistory
Influenced by Ramayana to adopt it into an animated film. The government at that time thought that presenting Ramayana in a 'cartoon' format may cause controversy hence it was not selected for theatrical release. Teams from both countries were employed and the film was made in
English and Hindi for home release. For the Hindi version voice of Lord Rama was given by @arungovil12, who had earlier immortalised the role of warrior prince Rama in #RamananSagar's #Ramayana for @DDNational. Eminent actor-villain Amrish Puri dubbed for #Ravana.
Along with its animation,presentation the film is also noted for its mellifluous music. Its brilliant music was composed by Vanraj Bhatia. The English version had songs in Sanskrit(written by Vasant Dev) while the Hindi version had the translation
4️⃣ @Go_Movie_Mango@monidipadey
Mokshapath -Snakes and Ladders
The object of Moksha path was to teach children the intricacies’ of the path to liberation. Salvation or Moksha being at the top of the board. Bad deeds lead one into the snakes mouth.
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1️⃣ @monidipadey@OmTheReality@PunjabiRooh
and a slippery slidey road back down the path and a ladder will reward one’s virtuous deeds with a short cut to the top.
Bad deeds are represented by snakes and good deeds are represented by ladders, each ladder and snake is a moral lesson.
The British stole the concept of the ancient Indian game in the late 1800’s and marketed it in Europe as snakes and ladders and I believe as a game called Kismet which appears to be a little closed to the original. It reaches the United States in the 1940’s and was marketed as
one simple photograph can tell u much more about historical figures or events than any book you might read or any charter you might analyze.
These 30 Intriguing Pictures Are Some of the Rarest Photographs Ever Captured in India 1. Rabindranath Tagore with Albert Einstein in 1920s
2. Indira Gandhi, Charlie Chaplin And Jawaharlal Nehru in Bürgenstock, Switzerland, 1953
1. It wasn't only Arjuna who acquired the knowledge of Bhagavad Gita from Krishna. Lord Hanuman, Sanjaya and Barbarik also listened to the entire narration.
2. Lord Krishna tried to narrate the holy Bhagavad Gita to Duryodhana. But believing that he knew what was correct and what was wrong, he refused to listen
25 #Photographs that will transport you to Pre-Independent India. here r Some of the most astonishing photographs from India which shows.Various religion, caste,tribe,the merchants,traders, women of all ages, the farmers, rich and the poor all in masses.
1.mother & child
Somnath Series : Ruined and ravaged Somnath temple as described by visitors in 19th and 20th centuries
•The dome of the central munduff is complete, but unfortunately too little in unison with the original design to sanction a belief that it is Hindu…….
•Canon, placed upon the roof of the temple to keep off French privateers, which frequented the coats during the war
•The spot where stood the symbolic lingam is deserted, and in the western wall, facing the holy city of Mecca, is excavated a pulpit for the Moollah.
-James tod
the jeweled columns, the golden idols, the dancing girls, and the voice of melody, are replaced by heaps of unsightly rubbish; the chirp of the bat is heard from the sanctum, and the owl has found a nest amongst its richly sculptured cornices
-mrs. Postans
“Waaaaah! Waaaaah!” The first initial joyous cries of a newborn are followed by the
proclamation of, “It’s a boy!” or “It’s a girl!” Upon a cursory look at a newborn’s genitalia,...
the infant’s #sex is identified and declared as either male or female. While this is a seemingly trivial
moment, for #transgender individuals it is a defining moment they cannot escape for the rest of
their live....