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Apr 9th 2021
Few Glimpses of Chennakeshava Temple, Belur

An Hoysala Wonder #Karnataka #IncredibleIndia @IncredibleIndia

A Selected Series of the #Photographs

#Travel #Photography #Art #Architecture #Sculptures
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Feb 1st 2021
#FahadShah @tkwmag unveiled. #Thread

The Kashmir Walla @tkwmag better known for spreading hatred in its articles, landed in hot waters this time. On 27 Jan @tkwmag falsely claimed that Jamia Siraj-ul-Uloom school in Shopian was “pressurized by army” to hold Republic day function Image
The article became an embarrassment for @pzfahad & @tkwmag when the school authorities of Jamia Siraj-Ul-Uloom released an official statement clarifying that no such compulsion was there from the army or police & the news reported by @tkwmag was totally baseless. Image
Now an FIR has been rightly registered against @tkwmag in this regard for peddling fake news, & once again for the umpteenth number of time @tkwmag is playing the victim card & talking about "freedom of press". Image
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Dec 29th 2020
25 #Photographs that will transport you to Pre-Independent India. here r Some of the most astonishing photographs from India which shows.Various religion, caste,tribe,the merchants,traders, women of all ages, the farmers, rich and the poor all in masses.
1.mother & child

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Jun 26th 2020
Welcome back to another episode of the #WildAboutFacts series. Today, we are taking over your feed with pictures and #trivia of one of the most alluring creatures from the #wild, the #RedPanda.

Join us, share your #photographs of the #Firefox of the #Himalayas.

📷Sourav Mondal

Its distinctive fur has earned this species monikers such as #Firefox, Firecat, or Fire-coloured Cat. Arguably, the #RedPanda is the only true #Panda, as the #GiantPanda, which is believed to be closely related, belongs to the #bear family.

📷Senthil Murugan

Around half of the #RedPanda’s natural habitat lies in the Eastern #Himalayas#Nepal, #Sikkim, northern #WestBengal, #Bhutan, and #ArunachalPradesh.

Its remaining home is in northern #Myanmar and a few provinces of central #China.

📷Ramshesha N
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Nov 12th 2019
Today is #GuruNanakJayanti550 . He taught us to #love #respect all 🙏🏽These #photographs are from the #BanglaSahib #Gurudwara (place of worship of the #Sikhs)It is said that its built on the bungalow (hence #colloquial term ‘Bangla’)of Maharaja Jai Singh, ruler of #Amber #Jaipur Image
8th Sikh #Guru, Har Kishen, helped #smallpox #cholera #epidemic patients in 1664 from here.The #freshwater from the well here quenched many thirsts. He himself succumbed.Later, the #Maharaja built a #reservoir, still revered as it #symbolically links to the water from its #well
The main shrine hall is painted with #gold, motifs here and the inlay work heavily influenced by the reigning #Mughal This Gurudwara is now #plasticfree from #October #gurunanak550 #sikhism #architecture #delhi #pakistan #religion #secularism #heritage #historic #handmade #India Image
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Jan 12th 2019
Two imp exhibitions running next to each other,both talking about the background&contexts of how their subjects reached the zenith of their creative worlds.The first 2pics are from the #DashrathPatel exhibition, one of the founder directors of #India’s only govt #designinstitute ImageImage
There’s a very interesting video where he’s talking of his association with #HenriCartierBresson. His range of #paintings, #photographs on display are immense! What a man, I’d seen him once at NID in his crisp white cotton attire, wish had known more about him.Don’t miss it #nid
These pics r from fascinating #companypaintings commissioned by #British depicting #life #professions of late 18
&19th cen #India as seen through their early understanding of a vast subcontinent that utterly confused them 😎 more in a soon-to-be written review.enjoy @CSMVSmumbai ImageImageImage
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