Yesterday evening, in the House of Commons, Members of Parliament were instructed to vote on some of the most important draft legislation in decades:
Health & Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2021👇🏻
British politicians were asked to support proposals that will effectively abandon long-held principles in this country of voluntary and informed consent, as outlined here in black and white on the NHS’ website.
A huge decision with wide-ranging moral and social ramifications.
Not since the nineteenth century, 1898 to be precise, has the UK entertained the idea of compulsory vaccination, recognising the moral, religious, & scientific objections of doing so.
Yet this amended legislation would compel *anyone* entering a care home setting to be jabbed.
Below is the Statutory Instrument doc for full transparency.
A memorandum reads: “the person has provided the registered person with evidence that satisfies the registered person they have been vaccinated with the complete course of an authorised vaccine”…
So what would this mean in reality?
Firstly, it would mean that social care workers, some of the most hard-working & underpaid UK employees, are forced to inject themselves with an unlicensed vaccine or lose their jobs. This will impact particular groups of people over others👇🏻
But it wouldn’t just impact frontline care staff. It would target *anyone* needing to step foot inside a care home, no matter the scope of their visit or the likelihood of interacting directly with residents. This would include delivery drivers, maintenance/boiler servicing etc.
It will lead to ghastly situations where a family member who, believing in their own right not to take the vaccine for whatever reason, would effectively be banned from seeing a relative in a care home until they are dying (one of the few exemptions).
Heinous, evil, and cruel.
All of this is before you even consider the (some would say, very great) likelihood that this is the thin end of the wedge, and an enabler of vaccine passports, especially given announcements in other Western nations almost simultaneously in recent days. Coincidental, I’m sure.
Added to that, and true to form from this authoritarian government, they scheduled this huge and, frankly, historical debate just one day in advance and allocated an insulting 90 minutes to it. Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) only a handful turned up, with most voting by proxy.
During the debate, @CharlesWalkerMP addressed the Deputy Speaker & called for an investigation into the government as you can see below.
He produced a parliamentary paper stating that “a full impact assessment has been prepared & will be submitted”. But none was. Quelle surprise
Everything I’ve outlined above builds a picture of what is a truly massive story. A lead story. It couldn’t be more newsworthy, and I say that as a former journalist now working in communications.
So, naturally, there was wall to wall coverage in the media, right?
Last night I visited the homepages of every major UK broadcaster & here is what I found (all screenshots are time stamped for validity).
On @BBCNews, a story on Scottish & Welsh restrictions but nothing on compulsory vaccinations in English care homes. 11 stories in total.
This from @itvnews is arguably even worse. 14 stories, including a dedicated “Coronavirus” section, and not so much as a mention. Completely hidden, in fact.
And, as if to almost troll people, there *is* a care home story on the Real Living Wage, though. That’s alright then…
On @SkyNews, @Channel4News, & @GBNEWS stories about a Californian heatwave, an overseas aid cut, & a presenter taking the knee live on air were deemed more newsworthy.
Not a *single* mention on any of the five major UK broadcasters homepages in the hours after the initial vote.
Now, I haven’t lost my newshound sense of smell for a good story, and nor is this coincidental.
This is yet more evidence of a corrupt and *coordinated* mainstream media in cahoots with a corrupt and authoritarian government. Let me be clear, there is no other rationale for it.
It’s becoming increasingly clear that journalism has become a well-crafted & maintained Western myth. The reality is that we have a bought & paid for media class who put money & activism before balanced & investigative journalism.
You are not going to believe this one (or maybe you will), but bear with me. I had to triple check my figures on this just to reassure myself it was true.
And what’s more, this is likely to be happening every single day.
Last night the esteemed @BBCHughPym, BBC health editor since March 2014, ran a seemingly alarming story about the Covid-19 situation in the North East, as you can see below.
With interviews from a respiratory consultant, medical director, elected city mayor, and local resident.
It featured as a segment on the 6 o’clock news, 10 o’clock news, @BBCNEandCumbria, as well as being one of the top stories online (see screenshot).
I have no way of calculating the audience reach but we can safely assume it was into the millions, nationwide and regionally.
For 16 months the government & its scientific advisors have avoided any kind of scrutiny. The Downing Street press conference sham is evidence; where “journalists” ask narrative-driven, pre-prepared & sanctioned questions👇🏻
When have you ever heard them ask about the China lab leak? About natural immunity? About the risks of the vaccines? About the flawed PCR tests? About the cost/benefit analysis of lockdowns? About the impartiality of SAGE? About the planned lies and fear? Never, is the answer.
Those questions are only ever asked by the public on forums like Twitter- never by journalists - & even then Big Tech censor many of these important questions.
The result has been the rise of the Covid cult (💙), of covidians, a movement steeped in ideology rather than science.
The (powerful) people who have convinced you that draconian restrictions on your civil liberties are necessary to protect you from a killer pandemic are the same people who seem unconcerned about the rules themselves. More👇🏻
The controlled and morally bankrupt politicians mandate you to wear dehumanising face coverings, whilst refusing to do the same because the rules don’t apply to them. The deadly pandemic differentiates between classes of citizens, apparently. But at least they have warning tape..
They invoke war rhetoric as they demand you don’t leave your local area, raising panic and fear. Then they leave their own local areas at will. Why? Because, of course, they are politicians and the rules of the pandemic don’t apply to them.
The Government has published a 110-page report on the future of human augmentation (HA), dubbed the “binding agent between the unique skills of humans & machines.”
It covers genetic engineering, future warfare, & brain-computer interfaces etc.👇🏻
In an Exec Summary, the Ministry of Defence paper says “we cannot wait for the ethics of human augmentation to be decided for us, we must be part of the conversation now. The ethical implications are significant but not insurmountable; early & regular engagement is essential.”
In the same section, it goes on to state “ethical perspectives on human augmentation will change and this could happen quickly.
“There may be a moral obligation to augment people, particularly in cases where it promotes wellbeing or protects us from novel threats.”
I hoped things couldn’t top the @beverleyturner GMB interview & the lies Metro Newspapers published as a result (pinned). I freely admit I was wrong.
On Monday, @JeremyVineOn5 broadcast one of the most despicable segments I can recall. Why?👇🏻
Through presenter @theJeremyVine, they hosted a 30 min “debate” focused on the question: “Have vaccine refusers let the country down?”
The first thing to note is that this question is deliberately divisive, & there are questions over whether Beverley should’ve taken part at all.
The classic divide and rule tactics of the mainstream media have come to the fore over the past 16 months and one train of thought is that Beverley’s attendance is feeding the perpetual poison on our screens.
But, to her credit, she decided to speak about a topic she believes in
I might offend some of my former allies here as a former Brexit campaigner but frankly I’m not that bothered. Many of them are *every bit* as intolerant, conformist, brainwashed, and authoritarian as the lefties they profess to hate.
Why, you ask? Well it’s pretty simple..
They claim they wanted balance from the mainstream media, they claim they wanted something different to the normal.
The moment Dan Wooton did exactly that on GB News, and questioned the Covid orthodoxy and our Supreme Leader, they all went batshit crazy.
“I didn’t sign up to this Boris bashing, I’m turning off,” “this is even worse than the BBC,” were some of the more inane responses.
Let’s be clear: the MSM have given our prat of a PM a completely free ride for 15 months, as have the opposition, to utterly destroy this country.