The new Texas map creates 24 🔴, 13 🔵, and 1 🟣 seat. It has an efficiency gap of R+15 and a median-seat bias of R+12, signs of a pro-Republican gerrymander.…
Hispanic-rights groups have filed two lawsuits over the new Texas map, though, so this may not be over yet. The map did not create any new minority-opportunity districts.…
@FiveThirtyEight The map puts GOP Rep. Rodney Davis in a Dem-leaning seat & sets up a likely GOP incumbent-vs-GOP incumbent primary. It also creates a new majority-Hispanic #IL03 at the expense of Marie Newman, who's thrown in with Sean Casten.…
Dem Rep. Vicente Gonzalez's #TX15 also becomes a bit redder, but still a tossup, under this map. I wonder if he moves over to the safe blue #TX34, whence Rep. Filemon Vela is retiring.…
The Congressional Baseball Game rosters are out, and Marjorie Taylor Greene is on the Republican team.
The GOP roster actually has a lot of turnover this year. Shaking things up in an attempt to win their first CBG since 2016.
Meanwhile, a rare senator—Jon Ossoff—joins the Democratic team, along with Kai Kahele and Frank Mrvan. The only Dem "retiring" this year is Jimmy Gomez.
New SurveyUSA poll of #CAgov: 51% want to keep Newsom, 43% want to recall him. A big reversal from SurveyUSA's last poll that brings them more in line with the consensus.…
Guessing this will really shift our average by overwriting the old SurveyUSA poll... We'll see.
Really transparent discussion from @surveyusa about why their last poll was an outlier & what might have caused the big swing. Good for them for being willing to publish the outlier AND to strive to improve.…