Considering most of this is like 2 or 3 years ago my memory isn't perfect, but as far as i can recall & look at what stories are still around on the topic...
@RonToye@vicmignogna@Lupinfan83 It is true many of the original stories, especially those carried by the media like @AnimeNewsNet have been deleted or were asked to be taken down
i think even if U disagree & think equity statements are useful,
i hope we can agree that even still, this shouldn't be the highest priority for the AMA or other medical organizations
side projects are 1 thing, making it the main show while ignoring bigger things is a problem
I strongly think its a bad idea, but ignoring real problems to put out circle-jerk statements about how moral & noble you are is by itself a dangerous thing,
it leaves people like pain patients out in the lurch while you are making nice with all your DC friends